Reboot - Error message


after the Rasberry Pi`s become affordable again, I bought a RPi 4 4MB.
Now DietPi is installed in the latest version on a SSD and works so far well in the basic settings.

There is one problem so far though unfortunately, it’s an error message I get when I reboot the system.

root@TestPi:~# reboot
Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service failed to load properly, please adjust/correct and reload service manager: File exists
Call to Reboot failed: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service failed to load properly, please adjust/correct and reload service manager: File exists

Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection

I have no idea what the system is trying to tell me.
What is the solution?

Best regards,


Required Information

  • DietPi version

  • Distro version
    bookworm 0

  • Kernel version
    Linux TestPi 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

  • Architecture

  • SBC model
    RPi 4 Model B (aarch64)

  • Power supply used
    5V 3A

  • SD card used

  • SSD
    M2 SATA 128GB

Ignore the message


Of course, this is an alternative solution! :laughing:

But seriously, is this just a beauty mistake or an actual problem?

Sorry for asking again.
I can confirm that this message also occurs with shutdown -h now.

If I understand it correctly, this little bug has been known for a while and the command

# sed -i 's/non-free/non-free non-free-firmware/' /etc/apt/sources.list

is the solution?

It’s true, the RPi with DietPi is online 99.99% of the time, but a “clean” reboot or shutdown would be nice.
Thanks for the information so far.

This is not really a bug, it’s more visual. Nothing that needs fixing at the moment. Simply leave it as is.

This has nothing to do with the visual effect during reboot.

Then let it be so for now.

Many thanks.