Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Wifi not connecting

I have searched the existing open and closed issues

Required Information

  • DietPi version | 9.8
  • SBC model | Pi Zero 2W
  • Power supply used | Original Power Supply / USB Port Notebook
  • SD card used | SanDisk ultra 32Gb

Steps to reproduce

Freshly downloaded image
Written with Balena Etcher with success
Modified dietpi.txt and dietpi-wifi.txt as said in Docs
Power On - no Wifi Connection on 2,4 Ghz Network
Install doesn´t finish
When i connect to a Display there is nothing

Extra details

I also tried with static IP as described in the video
I installed original Raspberry Pi System with Raspberry Imager - NO Problems
I inserted same SD Card as initially described with DIETPI in an Raspberry Pi 3 B no Problems with install

The Power Supply is not the Problem
also i think the SSID and Password is not the Problem
What prevents the Pi Zero2 from connecting to my network with DietPi but not with the Raspian Image?

are you able to get access to the ext4 partition of the SD card? Placing the card into a different Linux device? There might be something with setup logs.

installed a programm disk genius to my laptop which can read ext4
searched the folders for logs
the only explicit log folder was in var/log and empty
maybe i need a bit guide what to look for

On the mounted SD card, have a look into /var/tmp/dietpi/logs

the folder is empty

This would mean that the RPi has not started at all. Which image are you using?

As a test, you could try to boot and configure the SD card in the RPi3B initially. Then put the SD card into the Zero and see what happens.

already did that. the install ended like normal - did an reboot all is fine
When i insert the card in the Pi Zero nothing happens like before
Don´t know if this is normal but if i go back to the PI3B the install begins again

I use this image https://dietpi.com/downloads/images/DietPi_RPi-ARMv8-Bookworm.img.xz under Raspberry Pi 2/3/4/Zero 2

i´m so sorry i caused this - i have both the ZeroW and the Zero2 and for my project i used the wrong board.
With the image of the zero all goes fine

Can you try this image https://dietpi.com/downloads/images/DietPi_RPi-ARMv7-Bookworm.img.xz

Its 32bit version

If you are installing a Bookworm or Bullseye based version of DietPi on a Zero 2 w there is an issue in the Linux wireless drivers that can cause no connection. It is in both 32 and 64 bit installs. The issue is related to iNet Wireless Daemon (IWD).

You can confirm the issue is with IWD if you are connected to a monitor during the initial setup. You have to run the below commands to get connectivity.

sudo rmmod brcmfmac
sudo modprobe brcmfmac feature_disable=0x82000

If it is the IWD issue to fix this permanently you need to create a file called /etc/modprode.d/brcmfmac.conf

The file brcmfmac.conf needs to have the below line.

options brcmfmac roamoff=1 feature_disable=0x82000

The IWD issue has been an issue for at least 6 years and is in the Linux base and not a particular distro. I have had the issue in Raspberry Pi OS, DietPi (both Debian based) and Manjaro (Arch Linux based).


I’ve been playing around with a Zero 2 W these winter holidays and have been having this exact problem! I am restricted in only being able to connect headlessly over SSH.

Following @yakkoTDI’s suggestion I added the following to the func/dietpi-wifidb script so it could be set up on first boot.

[[ -f '/etc/modprobe.d/brcmfmac.conf' ]] || G_EXEC mkdir -p /etc/modprobe.d && echo "options brcmfmac roamoff=1 feature_disable=0x82000" | G_EXEC tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/brcmfmac.conf

However, after trying to replicate the issue, my Zero 2W now seems to connect to the Wifi without this change :sweat_smile:

Out of curiosity what router are you using?

I’m based in Japan, so unfortunately have a generic integrated router that is built into the apartment. I’m thinking my issues might just be router based.