Prowlarr software request

Just wondering what you guys think of another indexer made by the Radarr, Lidarr, readarr community. I havent tested it personally but apparently it needs less configuration than jackett atm.
There’s a pretty big list of supported indexers:
And here’s the official docs:


This is just a +1 from me. I am an accidental early adopter of Prowlarr and have been using it happily for many months. Imagine my surprise when I go to recreate my media server using a Raspberry Pi only to discover that nobody seems to know or care about Prowlarr!

I’m looking at Jackett, but it doesn’t support usenet which is my primary source of media.


another +1 here…

Would love this one top be added to dietpi

+1. I would LOVE this!

maybe better to vote on GitHub discussions