Pi somehow stops working

Hello, I’m using the latest dietpi image on my Raspberry Pi 400 and I’m having a problem where either the raspi stops or the internet connection is interrupted. I can connect briefly with ssh and I can’t see anywhere in htop that there’s a problem.

I only use the raspi over the network and can’t see what’s happening directly. But I can remove the SD card

I installed Jellyfin yesterday and set it up with an NTFS hard drive, but it worked great yesterday.

can someone please help me? , Kind regards Megamichi

Somehow I’m not sure what your issue is exactly?


These are two statements that do not fit together. It would be good to get more information. Otherwise we can’t help.

sorry, I use Google translate, I turn on the raspi and connect with ssh, after 1-2 minutes I can no longer enter anything into the command line and I can no longer access the jellifin interface.

Besides jellyfin I also have other services such as pihole, a web interface (I don’t know what it was called again) and a Samba server

the pihole interface is also not accessible, but I can still ping it

Is it possible to connect a monitor and see what is RPi doing when the network becomes available? I can imagine that if everything is fine with the RPi, then maybe a faulty network cable is causing these interruptions.
Otherwise if the RPi locally is not responsive, I’d try another SD card and power supply.

I habe uninstalled jellyfin Änd its Wirkung again. :slight_smile:

I have uninstalled jellyfin Änd its Wirkung again. :slight_smile:

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Maybe it’s too much for the device? :confused:

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