PHP 7.3 with apcu and redis on xu4?


I have Nextcloud 15.0.7 running on my xu4.
During DietPi update 6.23.3 I got error messages regarding php7.3-apcu and php7.3-redis not having an installation candidate.

Did anyone manage to get Nextcloud running with php 7.3 and redis and apcu on DietPi 6.23.3 for xu4?

Oh boy, I found out that php7.3-fpm and php7.3-cli are also not installed, and could not be installed due to unmet dependenciesā€¦
I should have waited, but there where no warnings. :cry:

I noted on the release tweet that 7.3 was being installed. I need the Dev package but again it is not available.

I think this was a daft decision. Move to 7.2, sure but 7.3 is overreaching and just because all the dietpi installed packages work is not a good enough reason IMHO.

For now, most of my systems are stuck on the version they are on until either, this is rolled back or an option included to use 7.2.

Really disappointed.

Hey guys,
actually it is not about the PHP version (7.2 or 7.3) but about how the related package repository is accessed/implemented. The same issues would occur for PHP7.2 as well.

Could you please paste:
apt policy php7.3-fpm

And could you also paste the exact output when trying to install it? (So which dependency is missing exactly)
apt install php7.3-fpm


I successfully installed Nextcloud 16 with Apache2 web server on DietPi 6.23 on my Odroid XU4.

The full description can be found in my web page:

After that Nextcloud 16.01 was realized and without any issue I updated Nextcloud from the administration page of the app.

After that the DietPi also was updated to 6.24 and also without any problems.

Best regards,
I. Balabozov


in the meantime I worked around the problem by creating an apt preference:

root@odroid:/etc/apt/preferences.d# cat dietpi-php7.3.pref
Package: libpcre2-8-0 libzip4 php*
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 900

The versions of the sury packages look a bit odd, but it works now.
Before changing the pin priority, the sury packages had lower priority than the ones from debian testing.

DietPi v6.24.1 should include that. It adds some more packages to higher priority to avoid all known dependencies. This is what is done during the patch (NB: On ARMv6 systems only, all others donā€™t require it!!)

echo -e '# Allow to install PHP7.3 dependencies and meta packages from Buster
# - Lighttpd must be pulled as well from Buster since the Stretch version does not support Buster libssl1.1 (1.1.1)
Package: php libapache2-mod-php php-* libssl* libc6* libc-* libgssapi-krb5-2 libpcre2-8-0 libk5crypto3 libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 locales libzip4 curl lighttpd
Pin: release n=buster\nPin-Priority: 501\n
# Pin down all other Buster packages to only allow upgrades of already installed ones via: "apt upgrade"
Package: *\nPin: release n=buster\nPin-Priority: 100' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/dietpi-php

And good to know that itā€™s fixed.
Will do the update later.