owncloud hdd moving files

I have a problem with my owncloud db. I dont know how to move the directory from the microSD card to a external hdd.
my linux knowledge is pretty basic and i dont know how to use the right commands. Can someone please help me?
Very thanks from some help.

btw. i need to add a trust domain to my list of trusted domains to acess with noip. can someone please help me with this too?


there is an option in dietpi-drive_manager to transfer DietPi user data to the external hdd.

Or if it is a fresh install and owncloud is not yet setup, you could specify owncloud data directory inside /boot/dietpi.txt

# ownCloud/Nextcloud
# - Optional username for admin account, the default is 'admin', applied during install
# - Optional data directory, default is "/mnt/dietpi_userdata/owncloud_data" respectively "/mnt/dietpi_userdata/nextcloud_data", applied during install
#       NB: This option is for advanced users. For full compatibility, please keep this options defaults, and, use dietpi-drive_manager to move the DietPi user data location.

Trusted domains is disabled by default, so it should work OOTB with any public domain. But I recommend to enable it:

ncc config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value=your.domain.org

You can also manually check/add domains in /var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php. The first entry should be “localhost”, required for CLI access, the second should be “*”, the wildcard which allows any domain. With the command above, the wildcard (index 1) is overwritten with your actual public domain.

it’s owncloud not nextcloud but commands and file location are similar

occ instead of ncc

and /var/www/owncloud :sunglasses: