I am using my Raspberry Pi as a headless server, currently running on overclock profile of safe.
“900 Mhz ARM, 250 MHz core, 400 MHz SDRAM, 2 overvolt”
I want the overclock to be extreme profile
“1025 MHz ARM, 500 MHz core, 400 MH SDRAM, 6 overvolt”
As I understand the core is for GPU (correct me if I am wrong), which I don’t really need it, so is it possible to just increase the ARM speed while leaving the core speed intact? (So I don’t have to overvolt too much)
Without using any knowledge of how these overclocking work.
With some simple math, i calculated my overvolt value will be 4 for “1025 Mhz ARM, 250 Mhz Core speed”
I will also want to reduce the arm_freq_min and core_freq_min - is this advisable? since it is a server and will be idle most of the time.
Yep, you can manually edit config.txt clocks if needed.
When avoid_pwm_pll=1 is set, GPU and core_freq are seperated. This is default on DietPi, unless ALSA is installed, in which case GPU and core_freq are linked.RPiconfig - eLinux.org
arm_freq_min and core_freq_min - is this advisable?