OrangePi Zero V6 update

Hey I just want to thank you for your amazing OS!!! :smiley:

I came from armbian and I liked it, but lots of issues. Then i found dietpi V159 and I liked it much more. User friendly, I love it.
V6 is even better! Much more stable and the cpu temperatures are way lower. It used to be in around 40-60 Celcius. Now 30-40 (maybe max 45?).
That’s so cool (pun intended)!

Thank you!


Great to hear.

The v6.0 image is built with ARMbian build tools, before we optimize it for DietPi. Kernel has been updated to 4.13+, which is a huge improvement.

Full credit to ARMbian aswell :slight_smile:

Hi! I’m planning to make a looper which would require using the Opi Zero’s onboard analog line out and microphone input (the one’s on the Opi expansion board). I would also need USB Midi to control the looper with a Korg nanoKONTROL 2. The Opi armbian image doesn’t have snd-seq compiled into the kernel, which means I have to either compile the kernel myself or find another distro.

So, what I’m asking is, does the DietPi Orange Pi Zero image have snd-seq compiled into the kernel and the analog audio codec working?

