Odroid-C4 no hdmi audio

I have searched the existing open and closed issues - [Solved] Dietpi on OdroidC4 no HDMI audio output listed - #5 by Joulinar is marked as solved but the last 2 posts were never answered and still fails for them.

  • DietPi version 9.11.2 fresh install last week.
  • Kernel version 6.6.65-current-meson64
    USB3-SATA 120gb started from Petitboot

Aplay -l , pacmd list-cards, pactl info all seem to show the hardware is detected.

speaker-test fails, and test speakers from the control-center/sound is silent.

I loaded up the most recent armbian and sound works on it. BUT running it from SD is painfully slow so would MUCH rather get DietPi working. Looking through your forums I couldnt find much and everything I did find/try has not worked :frowning:

This is with a tv monitor so sound should be detected as HDMI but isnt.

I found a program to compare packagesperl script that reports on package lists and generated the report file attached. See versioning - How to compare installed Linux packages between two machines - Stack Overflow

pkg_compare_raw.txt (27.7 KB)

So any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

I meant to mention I was comparing the packages installed between DietPi and armbian to see if there were any not installed that might help but I need to research that still. It looks like there are some updates to some of the packages in common with version differences that you run (see top of report) but only a few of those might be relevant.