Odroid C2: Transcoding issues LMS / Squeezebox


first of all since this is my first posting: Thanks for DietPi, I cannot imagine how much work you´ve put in it for you´ve got it set up on so many platforms! :wink:

I am using an Odroid C2 to run Logitech Media Server on it. It´s basically working fine but all LMS´ transcoding options (Settings → Advanced → File types) are grayed out and cannot be accessed. So it´s not possible for me to assign some of the transcoding work to the server instead of the Squeezelite Client (rPI 2). The LAME codec (for Mp3) appears to be missing, too.

One further suggestion: It would be nice to be able to upgrade to a more recent version of LMS - I tried that but couldn´t get LMS running again then.

Any ideas on that issue? Thanks for your help,

Some short feedback if this is the right place to ask my questions would be very much appreciated… I am not really into LINUX and therefore not sure where to best get help for the issues mentioned.


In the meantime I did some research on the net and found this → https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver-vendor/issues/9 . As “Gabana” suggests in the last two posts of the linked discussion I then copied the missing files (from the “arm-linux” directory) into usr/bin/ and voilá, now the grayed out transcoding options in LMS are accessible, one exception: MP3 is still grayed out since LAME is still missing.

BUT: LMS won´t play with the changed settings, I assume that the missing files should have been from an aaarch64 (instead of the arm versions which I copied) directory which are unfortunately not present in the DietPi install.

I am under the impression that DietPi and LMS is basically working but not really a completely finished and fully functional package. I really hope for a solution - or any kind of helpful reaction - thanks! :slight_smile: