ntdp fails in setup, can't continue

I’m trying to install DietPi. When I get to the point where it goes out to get the time it fails and setup is terminated. I am connected to my router with the Ethernet port on my Raspberry Pi B. I am able to see the board with my router, I had it connecting to the internet running non-DietPi firmware.

I tried changing a couple of ntp entries from Canada, thinking maybe it would help. It didn’t. I tried setting the time manually and still I can’t get further.

[info] NTPD: Waiting for completion of time sync (20/20)

From the log,

19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Listen and drop on 0 v4wildcard UDP 123
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Listen and drop on 1 v6wildcard :: UDP 123
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Listen normally on 2 lo UDP 123
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Listen normally on 3 lo ::1 UDP 123
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Listen normally on 4 eth0 fe80::ba27:ebff:fea8:cadf $
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: peers refreshed
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Listening on routing socket on fd #21 for interface $
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Deferring DNS for 0.ca.pool.ntp.org 1
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Deferring DNS for 1.ca.pool.ntp.org 1
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Deferring DNS for 2.debian.pool.ntp.org 1
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[462]: Deferring DNS for 3.debian.pool.ntp.org 1
19 Apr 20:04:56 ntpd[475]: signal_no_reset: signal 17 had flags 4000000
19 Apr 20:04:58 ntpd[475]: host name not found: 0.ca.pool.ntp.org
19 Apr 20:04:58 ntpd[475]: host name not found: 1.ca.pool.ntp.org
19 Apr 20:04:58 ntpd[475]: host name not found: 2.debian.pool.ntp.org
19 Apr 20:04:58 ntpd[475]: host name not found: 3.debian.pool.ntp.org
19 Apr 20:05:01 ntpd[462]: Listen normally on 5 eth0 UDP 123
19 Apr 20:05:01 ntpd[462]: peers refreshed

What can I do to get the setup to complete the install?

Hi Rudy,

Thanks for the report.

Try, relaunching ntpd:


If it still fails, you can override this prevention:

echo 0 > /etc/dietpi/.ntpd_exit_status