New Turingpi RK1

Managed to get DietPi up and running on the Turing RK1.

EDIT - A note of caution to others before proceeding: While I have managed to get DietPi installed on each of my RK1’s, I’ve had some settings change unexpectedly and had to do some troubleshooting. Not quite smooth sailing just yet, but it’s promising.

I converted a pre-built Debian 12 Bullseye image built/provided by @soxrok2212 on the TuringPi Discord by following the DietPi instructions for converting a Debian system into DietPi.

Typed out some steps below for those who may stumble across this post. Hopefully becomes easier as the board gets better support.


  1. Download the pre-built Debian image from the link above, and extract the img file.
  2. Flash the image to the Turing RK1 via Turing Pi 2 Web UI, TPI CLI, or other means.
  3. Identify the IP of the RK1 node and SSH into it using the credentials user:user.
  4. Type ip a and take note of the adapter name for Ethernet and WiFi.
    a. My Ethernet adapter was not name eth0, but instead end0.
    b. Further the IP Address range I’m using is different than the DietPi defaults, so I had to make some edits at the end.
    c. Copy/record these settings / values for later reference.
  5. Prerequisites are already present, run the following to start the conversion to DietPi:
    sudo bash -c "$(curl -sSfL '')"
  6. Select the relevant options for your installation:
    a. I elected for the Beta version of DietPi
    b. I entered my name at the next prompt.
    c. I entered “Turing-RK1” for the device (you can change this)
    d. Select the last option for “Generic Device” (You can press ‘End’ on your keyboard to jump to the last item)
    e. Select whether or not you are using WiFi (I selected no, since I’m using Ethernet plugged into the Turing Pi 2 BMC)
    f. Select the Debian version (I selected Trixie - It upgraded Bullseye seemingly without issue)
  7. When the script finishes running, you’ll need to edit some of the network settings before rebooting. Edit - In case it’s relevant, I used a static IP configuration and I had to modify both the IP address and default gateway in the files below to get this to work.
    a. sudo nano /boot/dietpi.txt and edit the values for your Ethernet and/or WiFi. Press ctrl+x to exit. Press y to confirm saving changes (or n if you wish to discard).
    b. sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and again edit the values for your network interfaces. Importantly, I had to change eth0 to end0. I also commented out the WiFi section since I am not using it. Once changes are made, again press ctrl+x to exit and y to confirm saving changes (or n if you wish to discard).
    c. I don’t know whether or not all of the above is required, but it took a few attempts to get it to work on the initial node, and repeating this process on the other nodes had consistent results.
  8. Reboot the RK1, when it comes back up you should be able to login with the default credentials of root:dietpi and go through the first time boot setup.

Additional Note: After getting this up and running, there was an update available for DietPi, so I ran dietpi-update. Upon reboot it was not accessible via SSH. I was able to use picocom from the Turing Pi 2 BMC to update the configuration and get the RK1’s back on the network. More details in the replies below.

Aside from the above image, if you’re a bit more hands on with building custom images, you can try the Collabora’s Debian Image Recipe for RK3588 boards. You’d need to make a new target for the RK1.

Hope this is helpful!