Navidrome not updating full music files on the selected folder

Creating a bug report/issue

I have searched the existing open and closed issues

Required Information

  • DietPi version | cat /boot/dietpi/.version
  • Distro version | echo $G_DISTRO_NAME $G_RASPBIAN
  • Kernel version | uname --all
  • Architecture | dpkg --print-architecture
  • SBC model | echo $G_HW_MODEL_NAME or (EG: RPi3)
  • Power supply used | (EG: 5V 1A RAVpower)
  • SD card used | (EG: SanDisk ultra)

Additional Information (if applicable)

  • Software title | (EG: Nextcloud)
  • Was the software title installed freshly or updated/migrated?
  • Can this issue be replicated on a fresh installation of DietPi?
    ← If you sent a “dietpi-bugreport”, please paste the ID here →
  • Bug report ID | echo $G_HW_UUID

Steps to reproduce

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

Extra details

Please find below my navidrome config file details

DataFolder = '/mnt/dietpi_userdata/navidrome/data'
MusicFolder = '/mnt/ADATA/MALAYALAM'
ImageCacheSize = '100MiB'
LogLevel = 'warn'
SessionTimeout = '24h'
AuthRequestLimit = '5'
AuthWindowLength = '20s'
ScanSchedule = '@every 6h'
EnableLogRedacting = 'true'
Scanner.Extractor = 'taglib'
Jukebox.Enabled = 'true'
CoverJpegQuality = '75'
CoverArtPriority = 'embedded'
MPVPath ='/usr/bin/mpv'

MusicFolder = '/mnt/ADATA/MALAYALAM'

this folder is not getting fully uploaded to the music library.
what could be the reason

maybe because of Plex Music library not adding my Music folders - #7 by Joulinar ??

Pleax media library fully working .Librarary fully added.But not happening in Navidrome

Did you trigger a new file scan inside navidrome web panel?
In the top right corner is a button “Activity”, there you can trigger a full scan.

Yes tried that trigger also.
my logs of navidrome is given below:

Feb 03 11:17:13 DietPi systemd[1]: Started navidrome.service - navidrome (DietPi).
Feb 03 11:17:21 DietPi navidrome[462]:  _   _             _     _
Feb 03 11:17:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: | \ | |           (_)   | |
Feb 03 11:17:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: |  \| | __ ___   ___  __| |_ __ ___  _ __ ___   ___
Feb 03 11:17:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: | . ` |/ _` \ \ / / |/ _` | '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \
Feb 03 11:17:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: | |\  | (_| |\ V /| | (_| | | | (_) | | | | | |  __/
Feb 03 11:17:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: \_| \_/\__,_| \_/ |_|\__,_|_|  \___/|_| |_| |_|\___|
Feb 03 11:17:21 DietPi navidrome[462]:                           Version: 0.54.4 (73ccfbd8)
Feb 03 11:17:22 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:22Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=lastfm
Feb 03 11:17:22 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:22Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=spotify
Feb 03 11:17:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:27Z" level=warning msg="Periodic backup is DISABLED"
Feb 03 11:17:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:27Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=lastfm
Feb 03 11:17:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:27Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=spotify
Feb 03 11:17:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:27Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=lastfm
Feb 03 11:17:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:27Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=spotify
Feb 03 11:17:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:27Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=lastfm
Feb 03 11:17:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T11:17:27Z" level=error msg="Agent not available. Check configuration" name=spotify
Feb 03 12:14:16 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:16Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 12:14:17 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:17Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 12:14:32 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:32Z" level=error msg="Error getting fileInfo" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" name="01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a"
Feb 03 12:14:32 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:32Z" level=error msg="There were errors reading directories from filesystem" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" path=/mnt/ADATA/
Feb 03 12:14:32 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:32Z" level=error msg="Scan was interrupted by error. See errors above" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied"
Feb 03 12:14:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:36Z" level=error msg="SQL: `UPDATE media_file SET album = {:p0}, album_artist = {:p1}, album_artist_id = {:p2}, album_id = {:p3}, artist = {:p4}, artist_id = {:p5}, bit_rate = {:p6}, bpm = {:p7}, catalog_num = {:p8}, channels = {:p9}, comment = {:p10}, compilation = {:p11}, date = {:p12}, disc_number = {:p13}, disc_subtitle = {:p14}, duration = {:p15}, full_text = {:p16}, genre = {:p17}, has_cover_art = {:p18}, id = {:p19}, library_id = {:p20}, lyrics = {:p21}, mbz_album_artist_id = {:p22}, mbz_album_comment = {:p23}, mbz_album_id = {:p24}, mbz_album_type = {:p25}, mbz_artist_id = {:p26}, mbz_recording_id = {:p27}, mbz_release_track_id = {:p28}, order_album_artist_name = {:p29}, order_album_name = {:p30}, order_artist_name = {:p31}, order_title = {:p32}, original_date = {:p33}, original_year = {:p34}, path = {:p35}, release_date = {:p36}, release_year = {:p37}, rg_album_gain = {:p38}, rg_album_peak = {:p39}, rg_track_gain = {:p40}, rg_track_peak = {:p41}, sample_rate = {:p42}, size = {:p43}, sort_album_artist_name = {:p44}, sort_album_name = {:p45}, sort_artist_name = {:p46}, sort_title = {:p47}, suffix = {:p48}, title = {:p49}, track_number = {:p50}, updated_at = {:p51}, year = {:p52} WHERE id = {:p53}`" args="map[p0:Whitney The Greatest Hits p1:Whitney Houston p10: p11:false p12:2000-05-16 p13:1 p14: p15:269.47 p16: always greatest hits houston i love the whitney will you p17:Pop p18:true p19:c895a778fcbcf250323dd171e4ddfaa6 p2:f49462324c73a2b0ca74becbf7b1fe7d p20:1 p21:[] p22: p23: p24: p25: p26: p27: p28: p29:whitney houston p3:79110099e9a56b652bc4a40dd8100460 p30:whitney the greatest hits p31:whitney houston p32:i will always love you p33: p34:0 p35:/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80Totally 80sHits/Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You.flac p36: p37:0 p38:0 p39:1 p4:Whitney Houston p40:0 p41:1 p42:44100 p43:26590728 p44: p45: p46: p47: p48:flac p49:I Will Always Love You p5:f49462324c73a2b0ca74becbf7b1fe7d p50:11 p51:2024-02-20T09:46:18.3149996Z p52:2000 p53:c895a778fcbcf250323dd171e4ddfaa6 p6:786 p7:134 p8: p9:2]" elapsedTime=1ms error="context canceled" rowsAffected=0
Feb 03 12:14:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:36Z" level=error msg="Error updating folder in the DB" dir="/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80Totally 80sHits" error="context canceled"
Feb 03 12:14:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:36Z" level=error msg="Error scanning Library" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" folder=/mnt/ADATA/
Feb 03 12:14:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:36Z" level=error msg="Errors while scanning media. Please check the logs"
Feb 03 12:14:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T12:14:36Z" level=error msg="Error executing initial scan" error="scan error"
Feb 03 13:14:09 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:09Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 13:14:09 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:09Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 13:14:24 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:24Z" level=error msg="Error getting fileInfo" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" name="01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a"
Feb 03 13:14:24 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:24Z" level=error msg="There were errors reading directories from filesystem" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" path=/mnt/ADATA/
Feb 03 13:14:24 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:24Z" level=error msg="Scan was interrupted by error. See errors above" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied"
Feb 03 13:14:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:27Z" level=error msg="SQL: `UPDATE media_file SET album = {:p0}, album_artist = {:p1}, album_artist_id = {:p2}, album_id = {:p3}, artist = {:p4}, artist_id = {:p5}, bit_rate = {:p6}, bpm = {:p7}, catalog_num = {:p8}, channels = {:p9}, comment = {:p10}, compilation = {:p11}, date = {:p12}, disc_number = {:p13}, disc_subtitle = {:p14}, duration = {:p15}, full_text = {:p16}, genre = {:p17}, has_cover_art = {:p18}, id = {:p19}, library_id = {:p20}, lyrics = {:p21}, mbz_album_artist_id = {:p22}, mbz_album_comment = {:p23}, mbz_album_id = {:p24}, mbz_album_type = {:p25}, mbz_artist_id = {:p26}, mbz_recording_id = {:p27}, mbz_release_track_id = {:p28}, order_album_artist_name = {:p29}, order_album_name = {:p30}, order_artist_name = {:p31}, order_title = {:p32}, original_date = {:p33}, original_year = {:p34}, path = {:p35}, release_date = {:p36}, release_year = {:p37}, rg_album_gain = {:p38}, rg_album_peak = {:p39}, rg_track_gain = {:p40}, rg_track_peak = {:p41}, sample_rate = {:p42}, size = {:p43}, sort_album_artist_name = {:p44}, sort_album_name = {:p45}, sort_artist_name = {:p46}, sort_title = {:p47}, suffix = {:p48}, title = {:p49}, track_number = {:p50}, updated_at = {:p51}, year = {:p52} WHERE id = {:p53}`" args="map[p0:80 Totally 80s Hits p1:Various Artists p10: p11:false p12:2014-03-03 p13:1 p14: p15:289.07 p16: 80 80s artists bill dancing dirty from had hits ive jennifer life medley, my of soundtrack the time totally various warnes p17: p18:true p19:b3b1683dad828c506134db03ccafde47 p2:03b645ef2100dfc42fa9785ea3102295 p20:1 p21:[{\"lang\":\"xxx\",\"line\":[{\"start\":5660,\"value\":\"Now I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":11850,\"value\":\"No, I never felt like this before\"},{\"start\":16260,\"value\":\"Yes I swear, it's the truth\"},{\"start\":20920,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you\"},{\"start\":23550,\"value\":\"'Cause I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":30030,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you\"},{\"start\":35530,\"value\":\"\"},{\"start\":41130,\"value\":\"I've been waiting for so long\"},{\"start\":43140,\"value\":\"Now I've finally found someone to stand by me\"},{\"start\":49600,\"value\":\"We saw the writing on the wall\"},{\"start\":52100,\"value\":\"As we felt this magical fantasy\"},{\"start\":58710,\"value\":\"Now with passion in our eyes\"},{\"start\":60920,\"value\":\"There's no way we could disguise it secretly\"},{\"start\":67430,\"value\":\"So we take each other's hand\"},{\"start\":69890,\"value\":\"'Cause we seem to understand the urgency\"},{\"start\":75580,\"value\":\"Just remember\"},{\"start\":77770,\"value\":\"You're the one thing\"},{\"start\":81250,\"value\":\"I can't get enough of\"},{\"start\":86200,\"value\":\"So I'll tell you something\"},{\"start\":91330,\"value\":\"This could be love, because\"},{\"start\":95440,\"value\":\"I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":100160,\"value\":\"No, I never felt this way before\"},{\"start\":104690,\"value\":\"Yes, I swear, it's the truth\"},{\"start\":109280,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you\"},{\"start\":115800,\"value\":\"Hey, baby\"},{\"start\":120790,\"value\":\"With my body and soul\"},{\"start\":122460,\"value\":\"I want you more than you'll ever know\"},{\"start\":129440,\"value\":\"So we'll just let it go\"},{\"start\":131190,\"value\":\"Don't be afraid to lose control, no\"},{\"start\":138500,\"value\":\"Yes, I know what's on your mind\"},{\"start\":140440,\"value\":\"When you say, \\\"Stay with me tonight\\\" (stay with me)\"},{\"start\":146600,\"value\":\"Just remember\"},{\"start\":148460,\"value\":\"You're the one thing\"},{\"start\":151790,\"value\":\"I can't get enough of\"},{\"start\":156670,\"value\":\"So I'll tell you something\"},{\"start\":161790,\"value\":\"This could be love, because\"},{\"start\":166140,\"value\":\"I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":171000,\"value\":\"No, I never felt this way before\"},{\"start\":175210,\"value\":\"Yes, I swear (yes, I swear), it's the truth\"},{\"start\":180090,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you\"},{\"start\":182610,\"value\":\"'Cause I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":188620,\"value\":\"And I've searched though every open door\"},{\"start\":192900,\"value\":\"'Til I found the truth\"},{\"start\":197630,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you\"},{\"start\":203810,\"value\":\"\"},{\"start\":233750,\"value\":\"Now I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":239810,\"value\":\"No, I never felt this way before (never felt this way)\"},{\"start\":244230,\"value\":\"Yes, I swear, it's the truth\"},{\"start\":248630,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you\"},{\"start\":251650,\"value\":\"I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":257220,\"value\":\"No, I never felt this way before (never felt this way)\"},{\"start\":261570,\"value\":\"Yes, I swear, it's the truth (it's the truth)\"},{\"start\":266200,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you\"},{\"start\":268890,\"value\":\"'Cause I've had the time of my life\"},{\"start\":275650,\"value\":\"And I've searched though every open door\"},{\"start\":279280,\"value\":\"'Til I found the truth\"},{\"start\":284100,\"value\":\"And I owe it all to you...\"},{\"start\":287150,\"value\":\"\"}],\"synced\":true}] p22: p23: p24: p25: p26: p27: p28: p29:various artists p3:928d280ca0eb05c0cb255df3b0e0be36 p30:80 totally 80s hits p31:bill medley, jennifer warnes p32:(i've had) the time of my life (from \"dirty dancing\" soundtrack) p33: p34:0 p35:/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80Totally 80sHits/I've_Had_The_Time_of_My_Life_From_Dirty_Dancing_Soundtrack_Bill.flac p36: p37:0 p38:0 p39:1 p4:Bill Medley, Jennifer Warnes p40:0 p41:1 p42:44100 p43:34477329 p44: p45: p46: p47: p48:flac p49:(I've Had) The Time of My Life (From \"Dirty Dancing\" Soundtrack) p5:53a2703750c7812b982524a6c430b59c p50:44 p51:2024-02-19T07:17:44.5405632Z p52:2014 p53:b3b1683dad828c506134db03ccafde47 p6:948 p7:0 p8: p9:2]" elapsedTime=1.2ms error="context canceled" rowsAffected=0
Feb 03 13:14:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:27Z" level=error msg="Error updating folder in the DB" dir="/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80Totally 80sHits" error="context canceled"
Feb 03 13:14:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:27Z" level=error msg="Error scanning Library" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" folder=/mnt/ADATA/
Feb 03 13:14:27 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:14:27Z" level=error msg="Errors while scanning media. Please check the logs"
Feb 03 13:26:44 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:26:44Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 13:26:44 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:26:44Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 13:26:47 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:26:47Z" level=warning msg="TagLib: Error reading metadata from file. Skipping" error="cannot parse file media file" filePath="/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/100 Greatest 90's (5CD)(2017)[FLAC]/Compilation - 100 Greatest 90s [Disc 1]/03 - All Saints  Never Ever (Radio Edit).flac"
Feb 03 13:26:51 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:26:51Z" level=warning msg="TagLib: Error reading metadata from file. Skipping" error="cannot parse file media file" filePath="/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/100 Greatest 90's (5CD)(2017)[FLAC]/Compilation - 100 Greatest 90s [Disc 3]/01 - Alanis Morissette  Ironic.flac"
Feb 03 13:26:52 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:26:52Z" level=warning msg="TagLib: Error reading metadata from file. Skipping" error="cannot parse file media file" filePath="/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/100 Greatest 90's (5CD)(2017)[FLAC]/Compilation - 100 Greatest 90s [Disc 3]/08 - The Pretenders  I'll Stand By You.flac"
Feb 03 13:27:14 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:14Z" level=warning msg="Could not resize image. Will return image as is" artID=al-972fa6c674dee8b08ede27209d022193_636d0e0f error="image: unknown format" size=300
Feb 03 13:27:15 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:15Z" level=warning msg="Error removing key from cache" cache=Image error="remove /mnt/dietpi_userdata/navidrome/data/cache/images/6f/e5/6fe5b0c4306de0b468860ad6b06be9183dd3d45b: no such file or directory" key=album-972fa6c674dee8b08ede27209d022193.1668091407000.754c0290155d0180b618d26cb24f9f2a.true
Feb 03 13:27:16 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:16Z" level=warning msg="Could not resize image. Will return image as is" artID=al-9a26f18690d66de826557d7b7598aefe_636d0e25 error="image: unknown format" size=300
Feb 03 13:27:16 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:16Z" level=warning msg="Could not resize image. Will return image as is" artID=al-b0180c94e17d46264df6accf76536396_636d0e1a error="image: unknown format" size=300
Feb 03 13:27:17 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:17Z" level=warning msg="Error removing key from cache" cache=Image error="remove /mnt/dietpi_userdata/navidrome/data/cache/images/7a/f0/7af0722cbcb2fea8c6de46dbf9f6994345cc104f: no such file or directory" key=album-9a26f18690d66de826557d7b7598aefe.1668091429000.754c0290155d0180b618d26cb24f9f2a.true
Feb 03 13:27:17 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:17Z" level=warning msg="Error removing key from cache" cache=Image error="remove /mnt/dietpi_userdata/navidrome/data/cache/images/ec/f2/ecf2a86ce78a5e8a2cf518df47f849ed6e020bc4: no such file or directory" key=album-b0180c94e17d46264df6accf76536396.1668091418000.754c0290155d0180b618d26cb24f9f2a.true
Feb 03 13:27:18 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:18Z" level=warning msg="Could not resize image. Will return image as is" artID=al-e89797e76de74a354a26235fbce0673d_636d0e30 error="image: unknown format" size=300
Feb 03 13:27:18 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:18Z" level=warning msg="Could not resize image. Will return image as is" artID=al-6d448cfcb8ee6cd1f588bebbb7a773d2_636d0e41 error="image: unknown format" size=300
Feb 03 13:27:19 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:19Z" level=warning msg="Error removing key from cache" cache=Image error="remove /mnt/dietpi_userdata/navidrome/data/cache/images/41/08/410851519539fa55b4c5d9783947a9402cd22e7c: no such file or directory" key=album-e89797e76de74a354a26235fbce0673d.1668091440000.754c0290155d0180b618d26cb24f9f2a.true
Feb 03 13:27:19 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:19Z" level=warning msg="Error removing key from cache" cache=Image error="remove /mnt/dietpi_userdata/navidrome/data/cache/images/78/03/7803843460f20c926fd0d48b3acb89e31e442837: no such file or directory" key=album-6d448cfcb8ee6cd1f588bebbb7a773d2.1668091457000.754c0290155d0180b618d26cb24f9f2a.true
Feb 03 13:27:20 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:20Z" level=error msg="Error getting fileInfo" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" name="01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000087
Feb 03 13:27:20 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:20Z" level=error msg="There were errors reading directories from filesystem" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" path=/mnt/ADATA/ requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000087
Feb 03 13:27:20 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:20Z" level=error msg="Scan was interrupted by error. See errors above" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied"
Feb 03 13:27:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:21Z" level=error msg="SQL: `UPDATE media_file SET album = {:p0}, album_artist = {:p1}, album_artist_id = {:p2}, album_id = {:p3}, artist = {:p4}, artist_id = {:p5}, bit_rate = {:p6}, bpm = {:p7}, catalog_num = {:p8}, channels = {:p9}, comment = {:p10}, compilation = {:p11}, date = {:p12}, disc_number = {:p13}, disc_subtitle = {:p14}, duration = {:p15}, full_text = {:p16}, genre = {:p17}, has_cover_art = {:p18}, id = {:p19}, library_id = {:p20}, lyrics = {:p21}, mbz_album_artist_id = {:p22}, mbz_album_comment = {:p23}, mbz_album_id = {:p24}, mbz_album_type = {:p25}, mbz_artist_id = {:p26}, mbz_recording_id = {:p27}, mbz_release_track_id = {:p28}, order_album_artist_name = {:p29}, order_album_name = {:p30}, order_artist_name = {:p31}, order_title = {:p32}, original_date = {:p33}, original_year = {:p34}, path = {:p35}, release_date = {:p36}, release_year = {:p37}, rg_album_gain = {:p38}, rg_album_peak = {:p39}, rg_track_gain = {:p40}, rg_track_peak = {:p41}, sample_rate = {:p42}, size = {:p43}, sort_album_artist_name = {:p44}, sort_album_name = {:p45}, sort_artist_name = {:p46}, sort_title = {:p47}, suffix = {:p48}, title = {:p49}, track_number = {:p50}, updated_at = {:p51}, year = {:p52} WHERE id = {:p53}`" args="map[p0:'80s Guilty Pleasures: The Ballads p1:'80s Guilty Pleasures: The Ballads p10:Nadeem Sadiq p11:true p12:2006 p13:0 p14: p15:242.19 p16: 80s ballads cant dan guilty hill pleasures: the try we p17:Pop p18:false p19:167b0bfb5d41aeb76450c89a597c5898 p2:4267b9a7dbc3279d9afdbb9f7fea294e p20:1 p21:[] p22: p23: p24: p25: p26: p27: p28: p29:'80s guilty pleasures: the ballads p3:3b205a0d1a571901ac3d787520cb2e45 p30:'80s guilty pleasures: the ballads p31:dan hill p32:can't we try p33: p34:0 p35:/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Guilty Pleasures; The Ballads/13 Dan Hill - Can't We Try.wav p36: p37:0 p38:0 p39:1 p4:Dan Hill p40:0 p41:1 p42:44100 p43:42765720 p44: p45: p46: p47: p48:wav p49:Can't We Try p5:3c0390c5dff374a52101681251581ed3 p50:13 p51:2024-02-19T05:27:19.3256293Z p52:2006 p53:167b0bfb5d41aeb76450c89a597c5898 p6:1411 p7:0 p8: p9:2]" elapsedTime=1.5ms error="context canceled" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000087 rowsAffected=0
Feb 03 13:27:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:21Z" level=error msg="Error updating folder in the DB" dir="/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Guilty Pleasures; The Ballads" error="context canceled"
Feb 03 13:27:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:21Z" level=error msg="Error scanning Library" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" folder=/mnt/ADATA/
Feb 03 13:27:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:21Z" level=error msg="Errors while scanning media. Please check the logs" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000087
Feb 03 13:27:21 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:21Z" level=error msg="Error scanning" error="scan error" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000087
Feb 03 13:27:32 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:32Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 13:27:32 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:32Z" level=warning msg="Skipping unreadable directory" error="open /mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information: permission denied" path="/mnt/ADATA/System Volume Information"
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="Error getting fileInfo" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" name="01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000088
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="There were errors reading directories from filesystem" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" path=/mnt/ADATA/ requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000088
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="Scan was interrupted by error. See errors above" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied"
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="SQL: `UPDATE media_file SET album = {:p0}, album_artist = {:p1}, album_artist_id = {:p2}, album_id = {:p3}, artist = {:p4}, artist_id = {:p5}, bit_rate = {:p6}, bpm = {:p7}, catalog_num = {:p8}, channels = {:p9}, comment = {:p10}, compilation = {:p11}, date = {:p12}, disc_number = {:p13}, disc_subtitle = {:p14}, duration = {:p15}, full_text = {:p16}, genre = {:p17}, has_cover_art = {:p18}, id = {:p19}, library_id = {:p20}, lyrics = {:p21}, mbz_album_artist_id = {:p22}, mbz_album_comment = {:p23}, mbz_album_id = {:p24}, mbz_album_type = {:p25}, mbz_artist_id = {:p26}, mbz_recording_id = {:p27}, mbz_release_track_id = {:p28}, order_album_artist_name = {:p29}, order_album_name = {:p30}, order_artist_name = {:p31}, order_title = {:p32}, original_date = {:p33}, original_year = {:p34}, path = {:p35}, release_date = {:p36}, release_year = {:p37}, rg_album_gain = {:p38}, rg_album_peak = {:p39}, rg_track_gain = {:p40}, rg_track_peak = {:p41}, sample_rate = {:p42}, size = {:p43}, sort_album_artist_name = {:p44}, sort_album_name = {:p45}, sort_artist_name = {:p46}, sort_title = {:p47}, suffix = {:p48}, title = {:p49}, track_number = {:p50}, updated_at = {:p51}, year = {:p52} WHERE id = {:p53}`" args="map[p0:'80s Guilty Pleasures: The Ballads p1:'80s Guilty Pleasures: The Ballads p10:Nadeem Sadiq p11:true p12:2006 p13:0 p14: p15:233.55 p16: 80s ballads guilty oh perry pleasures: sherrie steve the p17:Pop p18:false p19:d3f5eeab26af4b1f81228559de410d55 p2:4267b9a7dbc3279d9afdbb9f7fea294e p20:1 p21:[] p22: p23: p24: p25: p26: p27: p28: p29:'80s guilty pleasures: the ballads p3:3b205a0d1a571901ac3d787520cb2e45 p30:'80s guilty pleasures: the ballads p31:steve perry p32:oh sherrie p33: p34:0 p35:/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Guilty Pleasures; The Ballads/01 Steve Perry - Oh Sherrie.wav p36: p37:0 p38:0 p39:1 p4:Steve Perry p40:0 p41:1 p42:44100 p43:41241622 p44: p45: p46: p47: p48:wav p49:Oh Sherrie p5:b7c8bbbef1374e5859e541e2ba7797ab p50:1 p51:2024-02-19T05:25:49.4551881Z p52:2006 p53:d3f5eeab26af4b1f81228559de410d55 p6:1411 p7:0 p8: p9:2]" elapsedTime=1.3ms error="context canceled" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000088 rowsAffected=0
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="Error updating folder in the DB" dir="/mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Guilty Pleasures; The Ballads" error="context canceled"
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="Error scanning Library" error="lstat /mnt/ADATA/ENGLISH SELECTIONS/80s Love SOng/01 (I've Had) The Time of My Life.m4a: permission denied" folder=/mnt/ADATA/
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="Errors while scanning media. Please check the logs" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000088
Feb 03 13:27:36 DietPi navidrome[462]: time="2025-02-03T13:27:36Z" level=error msg="Error scanning" error="scan error" requestId=DietPi/I0gW03wPuC-000088

As already mentioned. It is your ntfs file system that you are using and related file system permissions.

Please advise if it can be rectified .Coz this same HDD drive i had been using for navidrom few months back .Then no issues was found like this.I had never changed the files system of my USB hard drive

ls -la /mnt/ADATA/

best is not using a file system format like ntfs on a Linux system.

It definitely works with NTFS, I have also a navidrome instance running and had an external ntfs drive connected.

Can you share your fstab pls?

Please select a drive to see available options.                              │
│  - User data location: RootFS (/mnt/dietpi_userdata)                         │
│                                                                              │
│                    ●─ mmcblk0 ─────────────────────────────────────────────  │
│  /                 : /dev/mmcblk0p2 | ext4 | Capacity: 29.1G | Used: 4.8G (  │
│  /boot             : /dev/mmcblk0p1 | vfat | Capacity: 127M | Used: 32M (25  │
│                    ●─ sda ─────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
│  /mnt/ADATA        : /dev/sda2 | ntfs | Capacity: 1.8T | Used: 1.8T (99%)    │
│                    ●─ Global Options ──────────────────────────────────────  │
│  Idle Spindown     : Set a global idle duration, before drives power down    │
│                    ●─ Add / Refresh Drives ────────────────────────────────  │
│  Add network drive : Select to mount networked drives                        │
│  Refresh           : Scan for recently added/removed drives                  │
│                                                                              │

that’s not what we have ask for

ls -la /mnt/ADATA/
cat /etc/fstab
root@DietPi:~# ls -la /mnt/ADATA/
total 712
drw-r--rwx 1 root root       0 Jan 16 12:34 '$RECYCLE.BIN'
drw-r--rwx 1 1001 staff   4096 Jan 30 17:21  .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root    4096 Jan 30 15:52  ..
drw-r--rwx 1 1001 staff 393216 Feb  3 13:26 'ENGLISH SELECTIONS'
drwxrwxrwx 1 1001 staff  40960 Jan 17 09:13  HINDI
drwxrwxrwx 1 1001 staff  65536 Feb  3 13:26  ITUNES
drwxrwxrwx 1 1001 staff  45056 Dec 14 13:48  MALAYALAM
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root  147456 Jan 16 12:52 'ROCK JAZZMUSIC'
drwx------ 1 root staff   4096 Jan 31 00:31 'System Volume Information'
drwxrwxrwx 1 1001 staff  16384 Jan 16 12:37  TAMIL
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root    8192 Jun  9  2022  TESTMUSIC


# You can use "dietpi-drive_manager" to setup mounts.
# NB: It overwrites and re-creates physical drive mount entries on use.

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs size=479M,noatime,lazytime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777
tmpfs /var/log tmpfs size=50M,noatime,lazytime,nodev,nosuid

# MISC: ecryptfs, vboxsf, glusterfs, mergerfs, bind, Btrfs subvolume


PARTUUID=c7497348-02 / ext4 noatime,lazytime,rw 0 1
PARTUUID=c7497348-01 /boot vfat noatime,lazytime,rw 0 2
UUID=0E3ECED63ECEB64D /mnt/ADATA ntfs noatime,lazytime,rw,permissions,big_writes,noauto,x-systemd.automount

OK I did a quick test with an usb stick, I mounted it via dietpi-drive_manager:

UUID=AA088FD4088F9E47 /mnt/stick ntfs noatime,lazytime,rw,permissions,big_writes,noauto,x-systemd.automount

ls -la shows, that everything is owned by root:root with 777 permissions. And it shows up in Navidrome. It also changed permissions in windows, but then I got d--------- 1 root root and was not able to use it.
Is also tried another user then root and navidrome with 777 an also got permission denied
So it needs to be root:root with 7xx at least, I think.

One of your folders (drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 147456 Jan 16 12:52 'ROCK JAZZMUSIC') has root:root and 777 and also does not show errors in the log, so you should see this folder in navidrome.

So to be able to scan all folders, you could change the ownership, it possible, but you still can run into quirks. Some folders, which have all the same permissions as the others, are not recognized at all in my test, not in the logs of navidrome, nor in the scan in the web frontend. Some others get permission denied for some unknown reason.

But there is also another possible solution: You could mount the driveuid and umask options.
With id navidrome you get the id for the navidrome user. In my case it is 995.
And then you change the mounting options for this drive in the fstab to:

UUID=0E3ECED63ECEB64D /mnt/ADATA ntfs defaults,uid=995,umask=002,noatime,lazytime,rw,big_writes,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0

But again I have one folder which is not recognized at all, even not as error in the logs.
So best bet is to not use NTFS :smiley:

root@DietPi:~# UUID=0E3ECED63ECEB64D /mnt/ADATA ntfs defaults,uid=995,umask=002,noatime,lazytime,rw,big_writes,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
-bash: /mnt/ADATA: Is a directory
iam getting this message

This was just an example how the configuration file looks for @Jappe. This was not a command you can/should execute

OOh okay,
Can you guide me thorugh this on how to execute this command

You need to change this in your fstab:

nano /etc/fstab

but you would need to adjust uid=995 depending on the ID used by our system for user navidrome