Native PC for UEFI ver6.0 Error [SOLVED]

It didn’t work for me here on the Z83 - tried using the first method of manually editing the three files to sda, sdb etc - no luck.

Tried the new method with install menu but same story. I ctrl-c’d out of Clonezilla and did # blkid - the eMMc and the install USB drive showed but the target USB drive didn’t. # lsusb showed all drives. Why would that be?

Swapped the install and target drives round the three USB ports, but the install drive always grabbed sda.

Anyway decided to have a third attempt at installing to eMMC so after a backup - all went well. Have pretty much got the system running as it was before, Emby busy rescanning my media library.

Thanks Fourdee and your associates for all your work on this. I’ll tackle the XU4 next - easier prospect just shuffling SD cards.
