Move full dietpi PC instalation to other PC

Good morning,

As I ran out of hard drives on my Odroid C4, I ordered a third hard drive and moved all my NAS system to a PC.

As I am happy with Diet-pi, I have also installed it on the PC, I have configured casaos, docker, all services to my liking ETC …

After a while of changing things I saw that the system was running a bit slow… and I realized that I installed it on the wrong computer and that it is much older than I thought (I have 3 or 4 towers from different eras).

If I move all the hard disks to the other PC will it work? if not… is there any way to do a clean install of dietpi, but copy the configuration I have touched?

I don’t feel like doing a configuration from scratch again xD



I have already moved a hardrive with fedora from a pc to another
It works with no problem. Just be sure it is the same architecture (amd64 etc)

I think you don’t have proprietary drivers so it should work also with dietpi,
You should try


Odroid C4 is arm64, right? And PC is amd64, so it’s not a simple, you would need to backup all of your configs and data and install from scratch.

As I understand OP is moving from PC to PC. Moving away from Odroid was a step he already did.