Monitoring via bash only - piStats v1.11

nope :smiley: probably using eMMC module requires a higher CPU frequency

Could be, there was very often an issue lowering the minimum clocks on the Pi4 using something on the GPIO/HAT as well.
But it was usually fixable raising the clock a bit and, as I remember, always going back to the default.

setting arm_freq_min=1600 seems to be fine as well.

root@DietPi5:~# ./ -c
piStats v1.16: DietPi5 [Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0]
entering continuous mode refresh every 8 seconds...
temp    clock   fan     pcore     vcore
47.7    1600    2740    0.7318    0.7489
48.3    1600    2742    0.7461    0.7489
49.4    1600    2741    0.7463    0.7489
48.3    1600    2743    0.7520    0.7489
47.2    1600    2741    0.7523    0.7489
48.3    1600    2740    0.7587    0.7489

You can try this: set “arm_freq_min” to 1500 and 1700 and monitor the vcore and vsoc.
Add a delta until you get about the same voltage at 1500 as 1700.

using the I see “kern: 1500/1900 MHz” but the “cpu: 3000 MHz 1500 MHz 3000 MHz”

I did see in an image that you have “kern: 3000/3000 MHz” .

How / where do I change to have the same settings to get the 3000/000?

You need to generate a full load at the same time, maybe running from another shell session stress-ng

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Since 1500 is the default, does this mean that after sdram_freq_min and isp_freq, arm_freq_min is another setting where it makes a difference for you when you set it to the value which should be the default anyway?

Old method of increasing SD card MZh is no longer working, how did you boost yours to 200 from 50?

Great script btw. I do get an error when running.

temp:        46.6 C  
rtc battery: 0.00 V      (charging disabled)
ext 5V:      5.11 V     
./ line 612: bc: command not found
vdd_core:    0.9616 V    1.2948 A    (1.2452 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
ddr_vdd2:    1.1109 V    0.0165 A    (0.0184 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
ddr_vddq:    0.6032 V    0.0000 A    (0.0000 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
hdmi:        5.1335 V    0.0079 A    (0.0407 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
3v3_sys:     3.3072 V    0.1297 A    (0.4293 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
1v8_sys:     1.8002 V    0.2078 A    (0.3742 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
1v1_sys:     1.1076 V    0.1834 A    (0.2032 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
3v3_dac:     3.3095 V    0.0003 A    (0.0010 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
3v3_adc:     3.3150 V    0.0004 A    (0.0014 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
3v7_wl_sw:   3.6700 V    0.0000 A    (0.0000 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
0v8_aon:     0.7997 V    0.0048 A    (0.0039 Watt)
./ line 612: bc: command not found
0v8_sw:      0.8018 V    0.3366 A    (0.2700 Watt)
total:        Watt
apt install bc
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No, it doesn’t make a difference if set explicitly.

I did nothing special, it should be the default value.
Do you have a Pi5 as well?

It must be the native speed of the card…

I do have a Pi 5 8Gb and will be adding Hat & MMVe SSD next week. I use as a very stripped down os / functions headless web server with LAMP install.

Which kind of SD Card? Mine is a Sandisk Extreme Pro, maybe it’s the negotiated speed