
I believe this would be a good addition to DietPi - it sits in the background and watches for programs crashing and restarts them. There are easy to find examples of config files for emby-server, sickrage and other popular programs. It is easy to set up manually but possibly DietPi could detect what services you have running and automatically setup the required config files. It has a web interface so you can see what’s happening.


Monit is wonderful. I’ve just installed it and it’s very helpful with Nextcloud, for me.
Could you add it??

Very cool!

You should follow the title scheme so the developers can see it Req: Monit

Also…put a link in the description so others can see it

Very neat little program!

Definitely second and third this request!

did it myself (more or less stock config…need to go thru and make sure all the other services are added)…seems to be running perfect…just waiting to build some data up
getting the pages and everything


Although it can only monitor daemons started by init as the systemd daemons have their own failover mechanism. It is still useful for checking files are written regularly for instance, internet connectivity etc.

I would also like to see Monit as an option to install. It’s a great little program running in the background. I’ve used it with RPi’s an it’s really simple to use once it’s up an running.

Would be a great addition to the DietPi’s OS

I am facing a unique problem with my nextcloud setup on raspaberrypi-3 with dietpi operating system with headless in my home. I have setup USB HDD & transfer ROOTfs & userdata in usb_hdd partitions. Everything is working accordingly. I have transferred about 300GB data on usbHDD through nextcloud web app & system complete that process with one day.

Now when in nextcloud app I click media tab. It will start making of thumbnail for about 25,000 images. On another computer with htop command I am able to see all cpu usage 100%, Ram usage =100% for sustain long time. I have already make swap file for 2.0GB. then system freeze. All apps are unresponsive
Nextcloud app/proftpd/dropbear ssh & overall raspberry offline. The only way to restart it by removing power & replug it. It is very cruel act for my loving raspberry pi.
Then I try to find on internet the main culprit of this situation & found that under heavy load when raspberry work under maximum load & out of its limited resources. It start crushing ongoing programs to maintained the load. So I feel may be this is the reason my raspberry not responded. So some good people already found this situation in past & found the solution “monit”. I also want to implement this thing on my machine. Please guideme/share the working config file for “monit” for all dietpi installed softwares.

Dropbear SSH

#Pro FTP
#Nextcloud (with all it dietpi default components)
I want “monit” monitor these programs in background after each hour. If any program not working, it will restart that program. If something un- recoverable then reboot the whole raspberry pi. This way is much better then my current way to reboot the system via removing power. Please help me to overcome this situation.
Thanks in advance.

This seems like a great monitoring tool

GIven the positive reviews, I went ahead and installed it, but I have a few questions:

  • I’ve got the Apache2 and MySQL services configured, but what would I use to automatically restart them in case they fail? They’re both only on the local network so I was using htttps:// for Apache2, but I’m not sure on this… does anyone know?

  • While making these checks, I would first like to check if there is an internet connection available, (I have to switch off my router as times, and don’t want them restarting without reason), is this possible?