I hope Minimserver can be used in the DietPi environment. There are raspberrypi versions available, but DietPi is clearly a better distro for good audio. Thanks in advance for considering the question.
EDIT: Would Site Admin consider bundling Minimserver in future DietPi releases? This could extend the media server potential of the OS. Thanks.
Looks like a pretty straightforward install
Just on the walkthru everywhere you see “pi” as the user in the command replace with “dietpi”
Have installed minimserver, very easy install and works fine. Would like to have minimserver included in Dietpi.
can you guie how ot install minimserver on dietpi
To be honest: I have forgotten (it’s has been years ago). But there’s an installation guide on the minimserver website:
Installing MinimServer 2 on Linux
it tried follwoing command
cd <minim-home>
tar xf MinimServer-2.2-linux-intel.tar.gz
but getting error
Cannot open: No such file or directory
did you download the files? If yes, check for the current name of folder.
No,Can you share Please me the command for download and install