Many mahcine on the lan

Hi guys i have this problem i have installed a dietpi in my raspberry pi and attach in my lan , is visible only in my lan , some day work good after 3 day if i scan my lan with another pc (nmap -F )i saw for each IP address i used:
raspberry 1 B+ v1.2
dietpi DietPi_RPi-ARMv6-Bullseye

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.012s latency).
Not shown: 996 closed ports
22/tcp   open     tcpwrapped
80/tcp   open     tcpwrapped
5901/tcp filtered vnc-1
6001/tcp open     tcpwrapped

and if for example look by browser i saw apache default installation why ???

Creating a bug report/issue

Required Information

  • DietPi version | cat /boot/dietpi/.version
  • Distro version | echo $G_DISTRO_NAME $G_RASPBIAN
  • Kernel version | uname -a
  • SBC model | echo $G_HW_MODEL_NAME or (EG: RPi3)
  • Power supply used | (EG: 5V 1A RAVpower)
  • SD card used | (EG: SanDisk ultra)

Additional Information (if applicable)

  • Software title | (EG: Nextcloud)
  • Was the software title installed freshly or updated/migrated?
  • Can this issue be replicated on a fresh installation of DietPi?
    ← If you sent a “dietpi-bugreport”, please paste the ID here →
  • Bug report ID | echo $G_HW_UUID

Steps to reproduce

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

Extra details

I’m not sure what the exact question but I guess you installed Apache web server or a web server application on the system ending 188.

ho sorry i use translator one moment I installed a Raspberry Pi with DietPi. After 3 days of perfect operation, when I scan (nmap -F 192.168.0/24)my LAN network from another computer, I see that all possible IPs in my network are active, even though I only have 5 active machines If I open any IP address on port 80, I see the default installation of Apache. and all of them are connected to the one Raspberry Pi in use. It has the following open ports, is only one example i cant publish all my ip i have this open port for all my ip in net Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.012s latency). Not shown: 996 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open tcpwrapped 80/tcp open tcpwrapped 5901/tcp filtered vnc-1 6001/tcp open tcpwrapped in addition to the readable file system, and the Raspberry Pi has never been published outside of my LAN. i think is not malware but malfunction

A web server can be installed without being published outside a local network. This has nothing to do with it.

Can you login to your RPI and check following

ip a

how many IP’s does it report?

now is impossible to do that because I forcibly unplugged it from the power supply with a brutal shutdown. I tried to turn it back on but the green light flashes and then turns off after a while, leaving only the red light on. I can’t see it on the network. I should put a monitor and keyboard on it, but I can’t do it now. I will try tomorrow if I have tim