A classroom with 15 laptops (MS-Windows, Linux) and
5 pi-topCEED (RPi 3B+ with DietPi 9.6.1, Chromium in
Kiosk mode).
The 15 laptops get a WiFi connection, kids start coding with Scratch.
But the 5 RPi 3B+ do not connect if started after the laptops.
And loose the WiFi connection if started first and the laptops started after.
What I can see:
Wifi Auto Reconnect : off (by default)
WiFi Power Management: off
Is there a way to make DietPi WiFi more assertive?
There is “no” DietPi own WiFi chip or driver. We simply active the WiFi module as it is provided by RPI foundation. Same goes for driver and firmware. All provided by RPI guys.
For testing, you could try latest RPI OS and check if it behaves similar (loosing WiFi connection).
Thank you.
To make RPi 3B+ work with on-line Scratch, RPi OS does not cut it
(tried latest 3 releases).
With a lightweight OS (DietPi) it works. On a decent WiFi network.
I’ll talk to the school and ask about the WiFi or maybe another classroom.
Had ICT person from the school attending our CoderDojo.
Turns out the nearest WiFi access point was two classrooms away.
We installed our own gear, everything worked fine.
School will install WIFi in this classroom.