I’ve built a low-power NAS using a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB RAM, 512GB USB SSD boot drive, four 2TB NVME drives (see gear, not aff link) as primary storage, and a 6TB USB spinning rust parity drive for SnapRAID.
Primary storage is using mergerfs giving me total usable storage of 8TB located at /mnt/storage/. Jellyfin files will be encoded in the best format for my Apple TV, so no transcoding will occur on the Pi.
I want to put Jellyfin media files and metadata at /mnt/storage/jellyfin/ but can’t find the configuration files that DietPi installs to accomplish this.
More importantly, is it possible to do this using the DietPi-managed Jellyfin installation or should I just use Docker?
I didn’t. I previously ran Jellyfin in a docker container where I set the path of the files and didn’t check the defaults.
Sorry about that.
But on to the second question in my post: will this work? If so, will it destroy my current Media directories? (I’ll back everything up before trying it, of course.)
Am I better off starting with fresh install then restarting the service once I’ve made changes to the config file?
I’ve installed Jellyfin with DietPi, but now I’m not able to get to the 3TB_HDD from the web interface to tell it where I want to save the video library.
I’ve seen that you mention the /etc/default/jellyfin file, but the problem is that I don’t know what I have to modify there to be able to access the hard drive from Jellyfin.
Should I modify any of this?
# Program directories
looks like your folder 3TB_HDD/ is accessible for user dietpi only. At least it would explain why jellyfin is not able to see it. I don’t think this is correct. you would need to allow at least the group as well. Probably better giving it 775 permissions.