Location of Jellyfin Configuration Files + Changing Media Drive

I’ve built a low-power NAS using a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB RAM, 512GB USB SSD boot drive, four 2TB NVME drives (see gear, not aff link) as primary storage, and a 6TB USB spinning rust parity drive for SnapRAID.

Primary storage is using mergerfs giving me total usable storage of 8TB located at /mnt/storage/. Jellyfin files will be encoded in the best format for my Apple TV, so no transcoding will occur on the Pi.

I want to put Jellyfin media files and metadata at /mnt/storage/jellyfin/ but can’t find the configuration files that DietPi installs to accomplish this.

More importantly, is it possible to do this using the DietPi-managed Jellyfin installation or should I just use Docker?

Thanks in advance.

did you checked the regular /etc/default/jellyfin ?


I didn’t. I previously ran Jellyfin in a docker container where I set the path of the files and didn’t check the defaults.

Sorry about that.

But on to the second question in my post: will this work? If so, will it destroy my current Media directories? (I’ll back everything up before trying it, of course.)

Am I better off starting with fresh install then restarting the service once I’ve made changes to the config file?


Honestly I’m not sure as I don’t use jellyfin. But I don’t think it should delete data.

I don’t quite understand the question. Changes to a config file do not mean that you have to reinstall something. A service restart is sufficient.

I guess this is more related to data destruction, but you provided your opinion earlier your last post.

I’ll back up the media files and start fresh with a new config, then copy my media to the new location.

Thanks for you help.

Hello everyone here;

Sorry if I shouldn’t reopen this thread, but I’m having a similar problem.

Let me explain; I have a machine with 4 hard drives:

  1. 1TB_SSD for system and Immich photos/videos (via docker compose)
  2. 3TB_HDD for movie and TV series storage (for Jellyfin)
  3. 2x 500GB_HDD for 1TB_SSD backup

I’ve installed Jellyfin with DietPi, but now I’m not able to get to the 3TB_HDD from the web interface to tell it where I want to save the video library.

I’ve seen that you mention the /etc/default/jellyfin file, but the problem is that I don’t know what I have to modify there to be able to access the hard drive from Jellyfin.

Should I modify any of this?

# Program directories

Any help with this?

can you share following

ls -la /mnt/3TB_HDD 

Here you have:

root@DietPi:~# ls -la /mnt/3TB_HDD/
total 32
drwx------ 5 dietpi dietpi  4096 Mar  5 08:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 root   root    4096 Mar  2 17:20 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root    4096 Mar  5 08:11 jellyfin-fonts
drwxr-xr-x 4 root   root    4096 Mar  5 08:21 jellyfin-media
drwx------ 2 root   root   16384 Feb 19 14:35 lost+found

looks like your folder 3TB_HDD/ is accessible for user dietpi only. At least it would explain why jellyfin is not able to see it. I don’t think this is correct. you would need to allow at least the group as well. Probably better giving it 775 permissions.

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GREAT!! It works.

I made this:

root@DietPi:~# chmod 775 /mnt/3TB_HDD/
root@DietPi:~# chown :jellyfin /mnt/3TB_HDD/
root@DietPi:~# reboot now

I hope that was the right way to do it.

Thank you very much @Joulinar