Local Nextcloud and DAVX5

Hi folks,

I want to create a calendar for my family via nextcloud-calendar. I installed nextcloud via dietpi-software on my rpi 4 and now I have a problem: my android devices (DAVx5) cant find any caldav instances. Maybe is this an issue because I installed nextcloud locally? I only want use nextcloud locally. Is that possible use certbot on a local server?



should be working without problems

theoretically yes, but should not be needed.

what URL you are using to connect to Nextcloud within DAVx5?

I did some quick testing, and it is working ootb using NC default calendar app.

Im using http://my-dietpi-ip/nextcloud/remote.php/dav

Is the url wrong? because I cant see/copy Caldav url because of http?

Do you want to access Nextcloud from the local network, or from the internet?
If Internet: Can you access Nextcloud via a browser from the internet (i.e. are all necessary ports exposed)?
If locally: Which router do you use, resp. do you use a “guest network”, where devices in the local network cannot access other devices?

(My DAVx runs without problems to 2 different nextcloud instances: One at my provider and one on my nextcloud system located at home.)

Im using normal Fritzbox via “normal” network. Very strange! Cause on my Manjaro it works ootb.

On DAVx5 you should have a Nextcloud option directly. At least I have. There you don’t need to cope whole URL. Just http://my-dietpi-ip/nextcloud should be enough. Once hitting connect, you should be redirected to your NC instance where you need to login and accept DAVx5 connection. That’s it.

Thx for your helps! I found out the problem: it was my fritzbox cause the ipv6 was enabled. I disabled it and it works ootb again.