DietPi version
Distro version | bookworm 0
Kernel version | Linux DietPi 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
was a fresh install
on my Raspberry pi 3a+
i just installed software via dietpi-software installer
I testet a lot arround the last days. Now i come to you and want to ask for help,
i read all the treads in this forum and googled a lot was on the lighttpd page and on stack overflow .
never come to an conclusion.
Software title lighttpd
was a fresh install just together with the chromium kiosk mode from dietpi-software and dietpi-config
Can this issue be replicated on a fresh installation of DietPi?
yes i think it is more of a question for others seems to be normal
yes i also made a link for 10-userdir.conf to → /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled
so it looks now like :
salahtimer@DietPi:/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled$ ls
10-dir-listing.conf 10-userdir.conf 99-dir-list-folders.conf
10-fastcgi.conf 15-fastcgi-php-fpm.conf 99-unconfigured.conf
my 10-userdir.conf
GNU nano 7.2 10-userdir.conf
The userdir module provides a simple way to link user-based directories into
the global namespace of the webserver.
server.modules += ( "mod_userdir" )
the subdirectory of a user's home dir which should be accessible
under http://$host/~$user
userdir.path = "public_html"
The users whose home directories should not be accessible
userdir.exclude-user = ( "root", "postmaster" )
how to reproduce the failure :
… install lighttpd via dietpi-software
… create new folder under /var/www/ like → files
put an file inside like test.php an echo world
and you will get an 404 Not Found error if you
I’m not quite sure if I understand what you are trying to do.
You can just create a folder and put any php/html file inside, you don’t need to create another config file for this.
I made a quick test on my RPi (which also runs lighttpd), I just created a folder inside /var/www and created a index.php with an echo command:
Ah ok I think you wanna create for every user it’s own namespace, right?
So when you use Mod_userdir you link a path from the users home directory into the namespace of the server.
So for example, you request then there must be an index.html in /home/jan/public_html/ (when userdir.path = "public_html" is set).
So serving a file from a subfolder and using mod_userdir are two different things.
Yes my problem is as you right mentioned.
i can create a folder and also put a file with contend in it. also done via multiple ways. (samba - sftp -or via nano paste and save ).
my problem is, if i want to connect to the lighttpd server via brower 192.168.17x.x/
on root folder i can open my /index.php /index.html file.
But on next level /folder /script /test or /files i have no acces always is a 404 error responding
thanks jappe for your reply
no i dont want to create a link to my users/home/ folder i just want it as a bare /var/www/ root server with folders in it like so
/var/www/index.php → is ok
/var/www/files/index.php -| 404 Not Found
/var/www/js/ -| 404 Not Found
/var/www/test/ -| 404 Not Found
i will do a new → fresh fresh = install on an other sd card.
it will be the same failure i guess, because i do this a while now.
also by raspberry pi os i think
alright i have to upload as normal my files and folders to
ok wait i will checkt this
yes i experimented before, the software comes by it self originally with /var/www/
i have done /var/www/html/ and vice versa experiments i will correct it.
and will do a new fresh install just a little bit.