Hi. Can anyone check the latest image for Odroid XU4 ? It lets me login but all I get is the command prompt. No login script. No repos available with Apt … It seems this build is incomplete. I have a fully working system on Raspberry Pi …
I downloaded the image from https://dietpi.com/downloads/images/, extracted and wrote to 8GB EMMC. Seems to be working fine, after login, DietPi scripts are executed.
Thanks for your reply.
I downloaded the image again and used dd (in Linux Mint) to write it on a 16 GB Micro SD card (it’s the 2 nd Micro SD card I have tried - my EMMC card has a working Ubuntu Mate system on it that I didn’t want to wipe out…). Same problem. Prompt only. No script. The DietPi folder is empty. The network does not come up. I started it up with dhclient eth1. Apt update gives me many errors and I can’t upgrade or install anything …
Is it an Micro SD card install issue ?
I kept Ubuntu Mate on the EMMC (but I switch to Micro SD of course) … could that be interfering ?
Hi again.
My XU4 is in CloudShell with a 512 GB SSD drive. I bought the 6 Amp PS from Hardkernel. According to their website it is the recommended PS for this configuration. One USB3 port is taken by the SSD drive interface and the USB 2 has a wireless dongle for keyboard and mouse.
(There is an issue with the USB 3 port. It won’ t connect to the keyboard dongle … at least when the drive is attached).
I’ll remove the EMMC card to test again (but that sort of defeats the functionality of the dual boot system I wanted to build … ).
BTW I have a fully working OMV system on my Odroid ( in the Cloudshell case) and It works off the Micro SD card (with the EMMC card in place) … so the hardware seems stable enough.
You can dual boot on the XU4 (emmc + SD) using the hardware switch as long as both systems are setup independently (i.e. one card only on the device during setup) and all drives/cards are referenced by UUID. I have a very similar setup to yours.
While reformating the Micro SD card with Gparted, I noticed that the Ext4 partition was not expanded. I rewrote the card with a fresh image, removed the EMMC from the XU4 and everything booted as it should. Could the Ext4FS expansion routine have been confused by the presence of the EMMC card ?
I’m confident that I will be able to dual boot now that I have a working DietPi on my SD card.
Regards and keep up your excellent work !
(It would be nice to have DIetPi on X86 systems as well )
Thanks John. I was ‘guestimating’ that the Ext4FS expansion process was the culprit … but may be not. Other systems install on SD with the EMMC card in place …
Anyway, everything is getting set up just fine. All I have to do is to reinstall the EMMC and close the case.
If you have an OS on the eMMC and another on the SD and both have something like root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 in them the system(s) can get confused and look for the file system on the wrong card. Hence the UUID solution. Maybe the OS’s you were using didn’t have this - I remember not having to worry about this when the second system on the SD card was Android, but linux distros can get stuffed up by this.
In a somewhat (or very) unrelated question : do you know of any equivalent (or port) of dietpi-cloudshell for other distros ? I find the concept very useful and would install it on other systems. I browsed through the code and saw many references to dietpi … so it won’t be a simple re-compile job …
DietPi-Cloudshell is currently coded for and expects DietPi to be installed on the system. It works in tandem with DietPi to provide those stats. In other words, at the moment, its “part of the DietPi package”.
It could be coded to work with various distros, however, this is not something I have time for at the moment unfortunately.
Other alternatives are mostly web based, NetData being one of the best (in my opinion) for us stat geeks