Jellyfin - resest admin password

Few times a forgot admin password in Jellyfin. found simple way to reset this password.

  1. login to DietPi and stop Jellyfin by this command
    dietpi-services stop jellyfin
  2. Edit file /etc/jellyfin/system.xml
    nano /etc/jellyfin/system.xml
    Find this line in file (now it is 4th line).
  1. Change true to false
  2. Save file by pressing CTRL-S and then CTRL-X
  3. Start Jellyfin by this command.
    dietpi-services start jellyfin
  4. Open web browser with http://IP-ADRESS-OF-YOUR-DIETPI:8096/
  5. Create new ADMIN account.
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Many thanks for sharing.

Does this only allow to create a new additional admin account, or does it replace the old one as well?

Here are also instructions in case the user got locked:

The reset password feature is another alternative, when configured.

And finally I guess it would be possible to apply a new password directly to the database as well. We’d just need to find out how it is hashed or encrypted there.

I didn’t checked that I always created the same name account.

Okay when its the same name, then obviously it overwrites the existing command :slight_smile:.

Thank you so much very helpful