Issues starting Squeezelite

Hi, i am (still) using a NUC9i9QNX as my dietpi server and i realised this morning that i am unable to start my squeezelite. The error messages i get are:

Nov 09 11:38:38 OldMan squeezelite[2725383]: Failed to create secure directory (/nonexistent/.config/pulse): No such file or directory
Nov 09 11:38:38 OldMan squeezelite[2725383]: [11:38:38.584887] test_open:281 playback open error: No such device
Nov 09 11:38:38 OldMan squeezelite[2725383]: [11:38:38.584907] output_init_common:401 unable to open output device: sysdefault:CARD=Audio

I havent used it in a while so i cannot exactly say when the problem appeared the first time.
At least i havent changed anything on the system recently (apart from replacing a broken USB HDD 2 months ago).

I can tell that my USB soundcard is being found:

dietpi@OldMan:~$ sudo lsusb | grep Audio
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 12d1:0010 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. KT USB Audio

However Squeezelite seems to “not see” the device in question - showing only my Hauppauge TV Stick:

dietpi@OldMan:~$ sudo squeezelite -l
Output devices:
  hw:CARD=Cx231xxAudio,DEV=0     - Cx231xx Audio, Conexant cx231xx Capture - Direct hardware device without any conversions
  plughw:CARD=Cx231xxAudio,DEV=0 - Cx231xx Audio, Conexant cx231xx Capture - Hardware device with all software conversions
  sysdefault:CARD=Cx231xxAudio   - Cx231xx Audio, Conexant cx231xx Capture - Default Audio Device
  dsnoop:CARD=Cx231xxAudio,DEV=0 - Cx231xx Audio, Conexant cx231xx Capture - Direct sample snooping device
  usbstream:CARD=Cx231xxAudio    - Cx231xx Audio - USB Stream Output

Can somebody please help me sorting things out? Thanks!

Hi, the issue magically healed itself. Without me even touching the system. I dont know why. But i can also tell that squeezelite -l now shows (again) the output device in question. Quite strange…