I have succesfully converted Buster-based ARMbian-Images to DietPi using the very nice “Other device”-instruction:
An Orange Pi Zero and an Banana Pi M2+ are running nearly fine now.
But I have discovered two problems:
Before starting the converted DiePi I made an Image-file with Win32DiskImager. As I only have 32GB SD-cards the
.IMG-file went 32GB big, but after zipping it the file size was below 2GB. Is there a way/tool to create an .IMG-file
which only uses the space really used on the SD-card (pure .IMG-file, no extra zipping)?
When i wrote this .IMG-file to another SD-card with a capacity of also 32GB using W32DiskImager and balena Etcher
both programs stated that I would need a little more space on the target SD-card. How is that possible?
So: How do I create an .IMG-file with minimum-size and compatible to other SD-card capacities?
Thanks for your response, but I don´t succeed with this:
I have a Windows-laptop with an “Linux Mint XFCE” installed in VirtaulBox. It looks like a USB3-Port is not supported in VB,
but connecting the carderader to a USB2 port shows me the SD-card mounted in Thunar-filemanager.
I opened a terminal, entered the command you stated (with & without sudo) and got this reponse ("–>" = translation):
sudo bash -c "$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaIng/DietPi/dev/.meta/dietpi-imager)"
[sudo] Passwort:
bash: Zeile 19: /boot/dietpi/func/dietpi-globals: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden ---> File or directory not found
bash: Zeile 21: G_CHECK_ROOT_USER: Befehl nicht gefunden ---> command not found
bash: Zeile 22: G_CHECK_ROOTFS_RW: Befehl nicht gefunden ---> command not found
bash: Zeile 24: G_INIT: Befehl nicht gefunden ---> command not found
environment: Zeile 59: G_WHIP_MENU: Befehl nicht gefunden ---> command not found
Hello, I am a fresh fan of dietpi. I liked dietpi for its minimization while having intuitive and automatic configuration tools.
I would like to make a clean system image using dietpi-imager for OdroidU3 and I am following the instructions exactly. I encountered this error:
DietPi-Imager: mount /dev/sdb2 /tmp/DietPi-imager_mnt
enviroment: line 433: 1968177152 bytes (1.83GiB) + 4*1024 : syntax error in expression (error token is "bytes (1.83GiB) + 4*1024**2 ")
I also have a question. Does DietPi-imager create an image of the system with all user data and loaded applications, or in a raw installer clean system?
It creates an image from everything on the drive, everything you installed and created.
If you want a clean fresh system, then download the image from the website
I know but the problem is I have DietPi from Other System dietpi-installer from custom Debian Bullseye XFCE for Odroid U3 and I made some changed to good working on OdroidU3 and I would like to make clean fresh system for the others for this board. I made uncompressed image installer version on with dd on the console and now with instruction I would like to use dietpi-imager just fot the others.
The imager script will not create a clean image. It will take the system as is. basically do the same as using dd command. What we do in addition is to shrink and compress the IMG file.