Image and DietPi-Version

Hi there,

Thx again for your hard work with DietPi. I’m using it now on three different devices :smiley:

From time to time I am downloading the image files cause I am playing a lot with those devices.

So I would love to see that the image name are specified with the version of DietPi.

For example:
NOW: DietPi_NanoPiNEO-armv7-(Jessie).7z
REQUEST: DietPi_NanoPiNEO-armv7-(Jessie)-v130.7z

Maybe that helps others as well and is preventing some bandwith on your server.

CU, mike175de

Hi Mike,

We discussed adding version numbers to the .7z file previously, however, decided against it as it required more maintenance and relying on redirects.

You can check to see if you have the lastest .7z image file by:

Thx Fourdee,

that works for me too :smiley: