

Is Icecast been dropped from the dietpi software list? I can’t find it in a fresh install of dietpi. If it’s dropped, anyone has suggested alternative?


many thanks for your request. It’s still there

root@DietPi3:~# dietpi-software list | grep icecast
id 135 | =0 | icecast: shoutcast streaming server (+darkice) | +alsa |

Thanks for looking into this.

When I enter the command you posted, it’s “there”.
When I run dietpi-software in a ssh session, and “Search”, then enter “icecast”, it gives the following message.
“Search was unable to find any item for ‘icecast’”

Seeing the id number 135, I try searching for that, and it gives the able error message (with ‘135’ instead for ‘icecast’)
Then I try searching for id 134, and it works. (which would find the Tonido software)

I also try manually browse the “Software optimised” and “Software Additional” list, neither of which contains 134 icecast.

you could try following

dietpi-software install 135

ah. that’s it…

“Software title (IceCast) is not supported for Virtual Machine (x86-64)”

Oh well. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help. Maybe the text base UI should give a hint/message that what I search for is not supported on the “hardware” I have.

I will give it a try on a real rPI instead. Thanks for your help.

well on my VM it’s shown as not available

root@DietPiVM1:~# dietpi-software list | grep icecast
id 135 | =0 | icecast: shoutcast streaming server (+darkice) | +alsa disabled for virtual machine (x86_64) |

Actually I wonder why it is disabled on VM. Removing this line will enable it. Will run some tests and do that for the next DietPi version, at least I cannot think of any reason why it should not work on VM.