I want stop DietPi from going dim

I keep getting into this mode where the display gets very dim, if I click around enough I can get out of it, but can I set a minimum brightness level or something to avoid it? I’m mostly used to Debian with LXDE. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. I just got DietPi running on an old Rock64, it’s the first thing I found that would boot and run.

It seems to be when there’s no active window that it goes dim.


DietPi is a Debian system. It’s not an own operating system. Whole thing should work same way. It might some configs are different.

Right, it has apt and the usual stuff, but I don’t like the interface. LXDE is installed, is there a way to bring it up?

Where do I fiddle with overscan? I’m using a TV but I lose a line or so of text at the bottom at least.

With dietpi-config you can set the an autostart option to boot directly into the desktop environment.
From CLI you can start it with startx or startlxde.