I have wondered if there is any way to use the drivers for get working the Dac I-sabre es9028 http://dietpi.com/downloads/binaries/rpi/I-Sabre-K2M_binaries.zip that are used in the distribution of dietpi in the kernel of raspbian stretch or jessie with desktop (debian), adding the code to boot/config.txt dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac is the only way to make it work, but not completely.
I also use kodi 15.2 for being lighter but does not work the 192 kHz or 385 kHz, support with audiophonics is very low in this aspect, I know that is another distribution and is not linked, but I would like that they could help me at least in being able to realize this kind of situation for its operation.
well, i fixed now. just used the Kernel from DietPi 4.9.52-v7+ http://dietpi.com/downloads/binaries/rpi/dietpi_rpi_kernel_4.9.zip and the i-sabre drivehttp://dietpi.com/downloads/binaries/rpi/I-Sabre-K2M_binaries.zip from same site.
now works 352.8 Khz on Kodi 15.2 and Debian 8 (jessie) ( or whatever you use )
for check on command the actual info of hardware of dac play
cat /proc/asound/card*/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
command used:
sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-kernel libraspberrypi-bin
wget http://dietpi.com/downloads/binaries/rpi/dietpi_rpi_kernel_4.9.zip -O package.zip
sudo 7z x -aoa package.zip -o/
rm package.7z
wget http://dietpi.com/downloads/binaries/rpi/I-Sabre-K2M_binaries.zip -O package.zip
sudo unzip -o package.zip -d /
rm package.7z
depmod -a
code added on boot/config.txt