How to use the Pi4 to Pi5 migration script?

I want to start the migration script but I get error message 23.

I have a Raspberry Pi 4, boot is on SD, I have dietpi root FS and pushed everything to a usb-ssd.

I wanted to move to a Raspberry Pi 5 but it doesn’t work:

dietpi@DietPi:~$ sudo bash <(curl -sSf '')
bash: /dev/fd/63: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
dietpi@DietPi:~$ curl: (23) Failed writing body

pls try again as user root and move into /tmp beforehand.

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As root it worked, but iobroker was no longer there and everything else couldn’t be accessed after a few seconds. I have now set up the system from scratch.

Now everything seems to be working except dietpidashboard, which is not accessible.

pls try using the latest nightly build instead of stable

Something we could have checked :wink: Would be interesting on the cause of these issues. Because we plan to use these migration script for all RPi users at a later stage. All hints and challenges would be helpful to ensure a smooth transition at the end.

Ah, sorry, I was a bit hasty. I wanted to get everything up and running quickly so that, for example, PIhole and so on would work again before the kids got home from school. :sweat_smile:


now is nextcloud crashed:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.

can you check following if all services are up

dietpi-services status

I identified the problem, it was the external USB nvme enclosure.

I have now purchased an Argon Neo 5 to integrate the nvme natively.