How to enable 7inch LCD on Pine64

I seem can’t enable the LCD with touch screen on my Pine A64 (both are from their first Kickstarter run) running DietPi latest 9.9.0 version. It worked without problem on Armbian (just adding pine64_lcd=on to configEnv.txt and gt9xxf_ts to /etc/modules), but this seem not working in DietPi. Any advise?

What exactly have you tried?

Hi @Jappe , thanks for your response.
In no particular order and with different combinations here are what I’ve tried:

  • added pine_lcd=on to dietpiEnv.txt
  • added gt9xxf_ts to /etc/modules (this should be a touchscreen driver?)
  • overlays=sun50i-a64-pine64-7inch-lcd.dtbo in dietpiEnv.txt, with and without dtbo at the end
  • dtoverlay=sun50i-a64-pine64-7inch-lcd.dtbo in ditepiEnv, with and without dtbo at the end

For the two last: I’ve found the sun50i-a64-pine64-7inch-lcd.dtbo file under /boot/dtb-6.6.44-current-sunxi64/allwinner/overlay folder - should I copy it somewhere?..

I try to add pine_lcd=on on dietpiEnv.txt but nothing happens, insert the module @ngmacha write in reply but nothing. Do you have some news because I need to configure this on 3 pine.