How do I upgrade the Image without losing settings

Hi there, just logged into my DietPi (backup DNS and DHCP server for my home network) and got this message

An updated DietPi image is available, please goto:

So, how do I upgrade the image, but retain my network, DNS server, DHCP server, and WebMin configuration?

Can anyone advise, or point me in the right direction.

Thanks, in advance.

Read my post here:
I hope this helps for the start.

The best practice is indeed to do a dietpi-backup, mount this to the new system and copy manual adjusted config lines, over into the new config files.

Thanks for the lead to a solution. Might try a WebMin backup/Restore as well as taking the DietPi backup.

one day get this

An updated DietPi image is available, please goto:

ok here goes, i am using 3 devices running DietPi

oDroid C1
oDroid C2
OrangePi Plus

all have various different jobs around one goal

C1 has Sonarr and Radarr and a few other downloading tasks
C2 is running Flexget, Transmission, TVheadend, jackett and also acting a NAS for my other C2 running LibreElec
OrangePi Plus has openVPN on it so i dont get prying eyes seeing what i am downloading

all these work in conjunction with each other and took a lot of testing to get right to how i wanted them to work, they work flawlessly atm and have done for months

is there a way of updating the image without disturbing my current setup? just the thought of going through all that again getting everything working just makes me want to stay on the current image

any help would be appreciated

The answer is sadly no. It’s not a simple “update”, it is a “upgrade”.

If you are happy with your installation, you can stay on it.

The base Debian 8 “Jessie” LTS has until end of April 2020 support for security fixes by Debian.