How can I auto launch Chromium on system reboot

Hi there,

I have installed LXDE/XRDP and wish to start Chromium as there are some extensions I want to have running and have this start if the system is interupted/rebooted.

I use the system as a headless system so if there is some way it can just launch chromium even without the browser/rdp client that’d be great but just wanting a bit of guidance in which direction to take and what steps to do. Thanks.

you can set Chromium as autostart option but it will start on the console :wink:

Perhaps you should select a desktop as an autostart option and set Chromium to start automatically as soon as the desktop is available

Is that something I could access externally? So I could just uninstall LXE/XRDP and access chromium via SSH?

Could you help? I set desktop kiosk mode I think and now I can’t access the pi.

Where is the DietPi auto start option? I plan to mount the SD card on another Linux system and change the config file through there to try and resolve the issue. Thanks.

the autostart option should not have any effect to the availability via SSH. If your system is not reachable on SSH, you have other issues.


I suppose you cannot help me with one last request it seems that on reboot, my Pi-Hole query logs are reset with every reboot which is not ideal as I’d like to keep this persistent through reboots. Any thoughts?

Edit: nvm have uninstalled Dietpi-RamLog and it has cleared the issue.

Yes, by default it uses RAMlog, which is cleared on every restart.
You can change this comfortable with dietpi-software.

usually, PiHole logs are not touched by our RAMlog option. Because query logs file is located at /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db Some more information from PiHole docs Query database - Pi-hole documentation