Hotspot mode with VPN bridge


I want to setup a dietpi which is accessible via wifi, gets its internet connection via eth0 (hotspot mode) BUT also can connect to a VPN.
Second requirement: It should ONLY then provide internet access when VPN is connected.

I just made a fresh dietpi installation on RPI 4.
I installed dietpis hotspot mode and it works just fine.
I also installed (apt-get) vpnc to connect to another network (remote fritz box offering VPN service). This also works from the dietpi itself, but not from wifi clients.
And I want to somehow stop accessing internet for wifi clients, when VPN is not connected.

vpnc starts up tun0 device when up and connected.

Thank you for any help on that!


Hi, if I’m not mistaken you would need to setup iptable rules to allow forwarding the network traffic towards the tun0 interface. Something like this should do

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT

and to save stuff

iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

But @trendy is more an expert than I’m and probably has some better ideas. :smiley:

Thank you Joulinar!
This is an awesome community here!

Especially the last command brought me to the idea to have a look into the existing content of the file, so I just changed every eth0 to tun0 in /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat and it works.

Great solution, easy when you know where to look :slight_smile:

Thx for sharing. Goot to know it ia working.

As it is, the second rule is making the first redundant. And you don’t want to allow everything from vpn to lan.

iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT

This would be more sensible.


@trendy should we adjust our install procedure for this part?

No, this part is correct. The snippet in the previous post had in both rules the source as the tunnel interface.

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Ah I see. It was me mixing the interfaces. I just corrected it above. Thx for pointing it out.

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