Hi everyone. I’d like to install the supervised version of Home Assistant on my headless Raspberry Pi 4 (8 GB). Seeing how much I enjoy its light weight approach, DietPi is my first choice - however there’s an issue I’m trying to get my head around. See, Home Assistant Supervised requires a bunch of software, including Network Manager. From what I can tell, it isn’t officially supported on DietPi. I tried to install it anyway, which ended up with my DietPi installation losing connection to the outside World; I could ssh into the Pi, but that’s it - I was unable to ping servers on the internet.
All of this being said, is installing Home Assistant Supervised on DietPi at all doable for someone with just moderate Linux experience, or should I give up those thoughts and consider some other Debian based distro that would be a better suited for this use-case? There are a few threads on this forum (including this one) discussing the matter, but none of them seem to present any real solutions.
Here’s a list of the required apt packages, for anyone interested in what it takes to have Home Assistant Supervised up and running:
Finally, I’d appreciate if if participants in this thread focus on the question at hand - the feasability of installing the Supervised version of Home Assistant - on DietPi, and not why I would like to do it. In short, though, I would like to have access to all of the features that the Supervised version has but that the Core version lacks. Thank you for understanding.