Few bugs with SW at Odroid

Hi and Privet Guys from mother Russia. When i have found your distrib i ended to drink vodka and riding a bear and started to testing and tune up this awesome system. It’s really awesome!
Bur i found few bugs, with software installation combinations. Also some of them was fixed by me and i want to share my little expiriencs with your great team and dietpi community.

My Platform: Odroid xu4
Distrib: V152 | oDroid XU3/4 (armv7l)

Transmission memory leak

In sometime transmission started to eat 200-300 and even 500mb of RAM. It’s madness for platforms with 1 or 2gb RAM.
So, solution:

service transmission-daemon stop
nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

Change “cache-size-mb”: 200 to 2.

service transmission-daemon start

Transmission WebGUI not reachable after installing ownCloud.

This problem appeared because transmission using it’s own web server. And solution is -

We make proxy settings and transmission daemon will start under it.
I think this option must be implemented in dietpi-launcher in case when we have ownCloud server + Transmission

ownCloud interface not reachable after installation

Interface of not reachable after installation on mentioned at
Access web interface:
url =


Real way:

Apache2 at default, doesn’t redirect us to login page of ownCloud

ownCloud can’t get propper way, if you use ExternalHDD.

After first install i tryed to enter way to my ExternalHDD device: /mnt/cbbfkj-blablabla/ownCloud/
Own cloud swears that way is not correct


chmod 777 -R /mnt/cbbfkj-blablabla/ownCloud/
chmod www-data:www-data /mnt/cbbfkj-blablabla/ownCloud/
Also you must reboot all services after it:
dietpi-services restart

Rtorrent doesn’t get settings file

It’s a great torrent programm but we can’t change prefences while using GUI, after each reboot, all prefences will be canceled to default.

As developers said we must create .rtorrent.rc file in home folder of user. I tried to do this, but after creating of this file rtorrent every time loosing connect from GUI to daemon.

Solution - not found.

That’s all.
Hope this will help to improve DietPi!


Many thanks for the feedback and reports, appreciate it :slight_smile:

I’ll make this change for v153:
DietPi-software | BitTorrent (ALL): Write cache memory size is now set to 1/10th of total RAM. Previously 1/8th. This is to prevent excess RAM usage in multiple software combo installations. This applies to new BitTorrent installations only: Few bugs with SW at Odroid

We always aim to use a big write cache to reduce constant IO load on filesystem, and, improve download performance. Storing data in RAM is much more efficient.
Transmission may have a memory leak if it constantly uses more than the cache, however, aside from reducing it and waiting for a fix in apt, not much else we can do to resolve that.

ownCloud can’t get propper way, if you use ExternalHDD.
We apply permissions to the DietPi user data directories. It would be best practice to move your user data to the USB drive:

Transmission WebGUI not reachable after installing ownCloud.
I’ll run a test and verify.

ownCloud interface not reachable after installation

Apache2 at default, doesn’t redirect us to login page of ownCloud

Thanks, i’ll check this and update info page.

Rtorrent doesn’t get settings file
Thanks, i’ll take a look.
