External HDD issues

Currently running a Raspbery Pi 4 4gb with Dietpi v8.0.2 and having some troubles adding another external HDD.

Have it running with an unpowered 2tb external HDD that has been working very well for the past year or so. So I read on the forums about the dangers of using unpowered externals so I got myself a USB-Sata Adaptor (link https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00N4JLNXM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and a 8tb Ironwolf disk.

The HDD works fine on my windows computer but when I connect it to the Pi it stops working. With Putty I lose all connection so I tried with a monitor it floods with error messages.

. Cant do anything with the Pi, it bleeps angrily, and is fine when rebooted with the new HDD removed.

Tried formatting it NTFS and even EXT4 with no success. Read up on that some of the adaptors have poor chips and need a firmware update to work properly but this one is supposedly to be good out of the box. But connected to the Windows computer it reads as “JMicron generic adaptor”.

Any tips on how to confirm that is that poor chipset and other tips in a general direction would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,

well the only possible way to check if it is the adaptor, is to get another one from a different vendor and check how it is going.

Might need to run a fsck on the disk and check if the inodes are intact

When it is plugged in what does “lsusb” show as the device

Possibly a driver issue with the stock kernel (got the below from here)
kernel 4.14.93-v7+ with the “USB Attached SCSI” as module. And now my USB to SATA converter works Great! (kernel build instructions used from https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/linux/kernel/building.md with a make menuconfig)

Bought 2 of those adaptors from the same vendor and in the pamphlet that comes with it clearly states “With built-in ASM1153E chipset”…

Managed to quickly run “lsusb” before everything crashed again and that confirms it is the JMicron chipset.


I’ll try and update the firmware with my Windows pc since I only get a second or so before “it takes over” the Pi and I have to reboot it.

I did some more digging…found these links for Jmicron firmware


This one mentions that exact problem for raspberry pi

# /etc/udev/rules.d/01-unmap-trim.rules
# ASMedia ASM1153E and compatible bridge chips (Eluteng adapters)
ACTION=="add|change", ATTRS{idVendor}=="174c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="55aa", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi_disk", ATTR{provisioning_mode}="unmap"

not sure if that will help or not…

Please give us a howto on how to update firmware if that is the problem