Error while installing Filebrowser - flag accessed but not defined: branding.DisableUsedPercentage

Hello guys

I’m having problems while installing FileBrowser trough dietpi-software.
I get the following error at the end:

flag accessed but not defined: branding.DisableUsedPercentage

I found a solution on github, but I don’t know how to apply it with my dietpi.
config init: flag accessed but not defined: branding.DisableUsedPercentage

Can someone give me advice how to apply and get it running finally?

Thanks you in advance

  1. Remove any existing setup files (be careful not to lose data in the process of removing files and folders)
systemctl stop filebrowser.service

rm -rf /opt/filebrowser

rm -rf /mnt/dietpi_userdata/filebrowser

rm /etc/systemd/system/filebrowser.service

systemctl daemon-reload

deluser filebrowser
  1. Install the previous version of 2.30.0
cp -a /boot/dietpi/dietpi-software /boot/dietpi/dietpi-software.bak

nano /boot/dietpi/dietpi-software

Search for a string “/filebrowser/releases/latest”

Change the download address as follows

Save the file

  1. Run “dietpi-software” to install Filebrowser

  2. When the installation is complete, restore the download path modified in item 2

rm /boot/dietpi/dietpi-software

mv /boot/dietpi/dietpi-software.bak /boot/dietpi/dietpi-software
  1. Update manually

Manually download the appropriate version for your PC from the following link

Copy the binary file from the downloaded file to the following path “/opt/filebrowser”


Is there some background information about what’s wrong with the latest File Browser version? I mean there has even been a patch version 2.24.1 5 days ago, where I would have expected a fix if it was just a general startup issue due to a faulty build flag or such.

looks like a typo on the Filebrowser app fix: config init for branding.disableUsedPercentage (#2576) (#2596) · filebrowser/filebrowser@ff1e0b8 · GitHub

A fix has been pushed a couple of hours ago. I hope they will release a new version soon.

WOW. Thanks you for this. This helped me!


The issue has been fixed. Simply reinstall it:

dietpi-software reinstall 198