I’m looking at running DietPi to run a number of servers open to the internet. To that end, I would vastly prefer to change the default username/password on all installed applications (but particularly MySQL, WordPress and ownCloud.
Ideally there would be a DietPi configuration setting to make this change, but a complete walk through would also be helpful.
It seems that being able to change the default username would be useful, as it would require hackers to get both the username and password, but merely changing the password would be a good start.
I’ll need to create a test bed with those programs installed to be able to guide you through. Might be a few days, busy busy at the moment .
For the most part, changing the root MySql password should suffice. Then its a case of just changing the owncloud/wordpress admin login details and updating the SQL login details. However, I’ll check the programs you listed and let you know what I find.
Thanks. Completely understand being busy, and no rush on this. I’ll poke around some as well (when/if I have time). I have some additional apps installed as well (pi-hole, transmission, deluge, DLNA, etc.) but not sure they interact with SQL at all.
I wouldn’t recommend having 2 Bit Torrent clients installed. Choose either Transmission or Deluge as both will reduce system performance.
Transmission is lightweight and efficient. Deluge is bulky and coded in python.
Run this command to reset the password for user ‘admin’