Drive manager swap size auto, generates 0mb partition

Yesterday I checked my swap partition, and saw that it had a fixed size of 384MB.

I tried to change it to the automatic size option, putting “1” in the option.

As you can see in the screenshot, it puts right to the automatic option

2Gb - ram = size

I have and odroid hc4 who has 4Gb of RAM, so the above operation gives back a 0 size of swap partition. And the partition does not create.

Could you take a look?

Do you want me to do make some tests?


this is as expected. The automatic function would create a SWAP file if you have less than 2GB memory available only. As you have 4GB, this is not needed and therefore no SWAP file is created by our script.

If you still like a SWAP file, you would need to enter the value of your choice.

Ok, I tell you the case I faced yesterday and a few days more.

Sometimes when using firefox, it gets a lot of memory, so it use all the ram and the swap partition I had and the SMB got blocked, and I had to restart it.

I make a bigger swap on the SSD to fix that.

Could it better to detect SMB RAM and with that make the auto swap partition size?

Could it better to detect SMB RAM and with that make the auto swap partition size?

what do you mean by this exactly?

I am refering about this operation: 2Gb - ram = size

If it can be dynamic, about the fixed 2gb, for the resault not being 0.

But maybe it has no sense…

Maybe putting the explanation you give me in drive manager

hTe automatic function would create a SWAP file if you have less than 2GB memory available only

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auto-size = 2 GiB minus RAM size