I’d like to know if it is possible to disable the Drive-Manager? I want to mount my external usb-drives the old fashioned way by putting the necessary values into the fstab. Or is it possible to change the values of the saved drive-manager (via text-file?) values?
For example: I have an usb-drive with two different partitions on it. The drive-manager recognize only one of the two, but I like to mount also the second one. So I thought to put all the value sin the fstab as I always do, but I’m not sure if the Drive-manager overrides my fstab on boot time?
Strange, does it not show up in the menu after refreshing the drives? Also, what filesystem is on the drive?
but I’m not sure if the Drive-manager overrides my fstab on boot time?
Only when running dietpi-drive_manager will it modify /etc/fstab. So you can edit and add drives to /etc/fstab manually, disable the DietPi entries and dont use dietpi-drive_manager again, should be fine.
root@Odroid-C1:~# lsblk
sda 8:0 1 3,7G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 1 1,9G 0 part /mnt/usb_1
└─sda2 8:2 1 1,9G 0 part
mmcblk0 179:0 0 29,1G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 128,5M 0 part /boot
└─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 29G 0 part /
root@Odroid-C1:~# cat /etc/fstab
#Internal Drives---------------------------------------------------
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot auto defaults,noatime,discard 0 2
/dev/mmcblk0p2 / auto defaults,noatime,discard 0 1
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,size=20m,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /DietPi tmpfs defaults,size=10m,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
#External Drives---------------------------------------------------
#NB: Please use dietpi-drive_manager to setup and control your external drives.
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb_1 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb_2 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb_3 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdd1 /mnt/usb_4 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sde1 /mnt/usb_5 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#Samba Client------------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/samba . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
#FTP Client Mount--------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/ftp_client . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
#NFS Client Mount--------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/nfs_client . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
# a swapfile is not a swap partition, no line here
# use dphys-swapfile swap[on|off] for that
root@Odroid-C1:~# cat /etc/fstab
#Internal Drives---------------------------------------------------
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot auto defaults,noatime,discard 0 2
/dev/mmcblk0p2 / auto defaults,noatime,discard 0 1
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,size=20m,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /DietPi tmpfs defaults,size=10m,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
#External Drives---------------------------------------------------
#NB: Please use dietpi-drive_manager to setup and control your external drives.
UUID=dba0bbc0-3fee-5373-3d39-d44d9c6257f0 /mnt/usb_1 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb_2 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb_3 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdd1 /mnt/usb_4 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sde1 /mnt/usb_5 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#Samba Client------------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/samba . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
#FTP Client Mount--------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/ftp_client . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
#NFS Client Mount--------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/nfs_client . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
# a swapfile is not a swap partition, no line here
# use dphys-swapfile swap[on|off] for that
root@Odroid-C1:~# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/usb_2
root@Odroid-C1:~# lsblk
sda 8:0 1 3,7G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 1 1,9G 0 part /mnt/usb_1
└─sda2 8:2 1 1,9G 0 part /mnt/usb_2
mmcblk0 179:0 0 29,1G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 128,5M 0 part /boot
└─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 29G 0 part /
root@Odroid-C1:~# cat /etc/fstab
#Internal Drives---------------------------------------------------
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot auto defaults,noatime,discard 0 2
/dev/mmcblk0p2 / auto defaults,noatime,discard 0 1
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,size=20m,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /DietPi tmpfs defaults,size=10m,noatime,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
#External Drives---------------------------------------------------
#NB: Please use dietpi-drive_manager to setup and control your external drives.
UUID=dba0bbc0-3fee-5373-3d39-d44d9c6257f0 /mnt/usb_1 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb_2 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb_3 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sdd1 /mnt/usb_4 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#/dev/sde1 /mnt/usb_5 auto defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0
#Samba Client------------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/samba . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
#FTP Client Mount--------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/ftp_client . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
#NFS Client Mount--------------------------------------------------
#/mnt/nfs_client . Please use dietpi-config and the Networking Options: NAS menu to setup this mount
# a swapfile is not a swap partition, no line here
# use dphys-swapfile swap[on|off] for that