The DietPi installation for the FriendlyArm NanoPi NEO works a treat. I have it running with all of my usual tool - Node-Red, Mosquitto etc etc… LOVELY. And all on WIFI.

Today I opened the new NanoPi NEO AIR - which has no Ethernet but has WIFI built in. Sadly FriendlyArm only supply Ubuntu - not interested. So I took my SD from the DIETPI NEO and plugged it into the AIR - worked PERFECTLY first time - WHEEEE. Then I noticed - no WIFI - and it will be down to a missing driver for that particular WIFI…

Has anyone come across this yet and do they have a way to install the driver without WIFI (as there is no ETHERNET on this board)??


Hi Pete,

I’am still waiting for FriendlyARM to send me sample boards for NEO Air (been over 3 weeks with many email follow-ups). Once/If they arrive, I’ll create a DietPi image for it and support it. Until then, give the ARMbian image a try, its Debian: Nanopi Neo Air – Armbian