DietPi v6.9

7 June 2018
Changes / Improvements / Optimizations:

General | During first run of DietPi (and during this patch), you will now be given the option to change the global password for ‘root’ + ‘dietpi’ accounts, and all future software to be installed that requires a password:

General | Increased verbosity and logging of DietPi boot scripts to assist with debugging:

General | G_ERROR_HANDLER: Retry mechanic added, allows you to re-run and retry the last command when an error occurs. Also included option to send DietPi a bug report when an issue occurs.

General | NTP removed from DietPi-Config time sync options and DietPi core packages. All time sync modes are now offered via systemd-timesyncd, which is part of every Debian based core system:

Generel | DietPi-Set_Core_Environment was removed. DietPi service and system config files are now updates automatically via new update system, other environment setup steps are moved into DietPi-PREP:

DietPi-BugReport | Has been revised and improved to remove end user security concerns.

DietPi-Drive_Manager | Swapfile: Added ability to move the swapfile and set size. This replaces the previous option in DietPi-Config.

DietPi-Process_Tool | NoMachine + Webmin: Processes can now be controlled.

DietPi-Services | Webmin: Added and now controlled.

DietPi-Software | Fail2Ban: Install now uses the systemD backend. No longer requires Rsyslog pre-req. For new installations only.

DietPi-Software | Search: Feature now available. Find the software you require for install, faster!

DietPi-Software | InfluxDB and Grafana now available for installation. Many thanks to @marcobrianza for the install code and documentation guides:

DietPi-Software | LXDE: Resolved missing icons with ‘pcmanfm’ under RPi devices:

DietPi-Software | Webmin: Resolved failed installation due to missing package pre-reqs. Upgraded to use a systemD service:

DietPi-Software | Removed npm root access error during installs:

DietPi-Software | OpenJDK/JRE now installs Java version 8 across all DietPi system. This is for stability across all programs that require it:

DietPi-Software | Updated several non-APT software titles for fresh installs and reinstalls:

DietPi-Software | Transmission: General clean up of install config file. G_CONFIG_INJECT is now used to replace/add our optimized entries. Also cleaned up the service, now runs as forking:

DietPi-Software | sabnzbd: Updated to latest version 2.3.4 (for new installations only):

DietPi-Software | CAVA: Updated to latest version 0.6.1. Enabled for x86_64:

DietPi-Software | OctoPrint: libjpeg-dev now installed by default, this is required for additional plugin installations (eg: Astroprintcloud Plugin):

DietPi-Software | Xserver: DPMS and all known screen blanking/saving is now disabled by default. To re-enable this feature, remove the following file ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-dietpi-dpms_off.conf’:

DietPi-Survey | Has been revised and improved to remove end user security concerns.

DietPi-Update | Implemented an automated update system for DietPi files, placed outside of /DietPi, e.g. system configurations and service files. This allows significant reduction of script code and assures consistency across all systems:
Bug Fixes:

General | Login and globals moved to /etc/bashrc.d/*, due to issues with remote shell and desktop terms under /etc/profile.d/

General | Completely removed root permission requirements from login scirpts and banner. Also users without sudo permissions will see the login banner and will be able to use dietpi-* and G_* functions:

General | Sparky SBC + USB-DAC unmute fix (v2), now sets volume to max:

General | UID bit reapplied for Sudo. Reported not applied on current XU4 image:

DietPi-Config | WiFi HotSpot: Resolved inability to toggle state (enable/disable) and change channel:

DietPi-Drive_Manager | Format: Resolved an issue where formatting any drive, would reset the swapfile back to auto size and default location:

DietPi-set_dphys-swapfile | Resolved issues with fallocate on vfat partitions which caused a failure.

DietPi-Software | SickRage: SystemD service updated to prevent timeouts, allowing the process to fully init. Experienced by some users installs:

DietPi-Software | AirSonic: Resolved issues with incorrect memory limit being set during installation:

DietPi-Software | AirSonic/SubSonic: Resolved 503 error when accessing web interface:

DietPi-Software | CloudPrint: Resolved an issue where the CUPS web interface would fail to connect:

DietPi-Software | VNC + LXDE: Resolved error message ‘no session for PID x’