(10/05/30 Hotfix)
Changes / Improvements / Optimisations
- DietPi-Software | qBittorrent: Changed default download file permissions so that Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr/… are able to manipulate the downloads after import. Many thanks to @compdealer for doing this suggestion: #3524
Bug Fixes
- DietPi-Config | Resolved an issue where on RPi3/4/Zero W onboard WiFi could not be enabled. Many thanks to @elitearmedforce for reporting this issue: #3510
- DietPi-Drive_Manager | Resolved an issue on Raspberry Pi where, after running DietPi-Drive_Manager, the root file system was mount read-only. Many thanks to @Adsouza98 for reporting this issue: #3511
- DietPi-Banner | Resolved an issue where non-root users were unable to download a new MOTD (message of the day). Many thanks to @PeterLacknase and @fnsnyc for reporting this issue: #3505, #3520
- DietPi-Boot | Resolved an issue where non-root users were unable to read or update DietPi-internal network info, which lead to e.g. error messages on login. Many thanks to @PeterLacknase for reporting this issue: #3505
- DietPi-Update | Resolved an issue where on DietPi pre-v6.16 system some DietPi scripts were accidentally removed during update. Many thanks to @Vec7or and @littis for reporting this issue: #3509, #3513