DietPi v6.2

DietPi v6.2

18 February 2018
Changes / Improvements / Optimizations:
Native PC UEFI | Image now includes options to install to either EMMC (eg: onboard) or SDA (1st HDD) device: |
DietPi-Backup | Rsync: Error control now handled by G_RUN_CMD

DietPi-Config | Locale: Reworked, now only lists UTF-8 items, no longer using dpkg-reconfigure. Our custom set_software script handles all
locales ensuring en_GB is always installed, and selected item is applied as system default.

DietPi-Config | Display options > Resolution: Added fkms/kms (OpenGL) modes for RPi 2/3.

DietPi-Config | Sparky SBC: Added option to select usb-dac-1.1 soundcard, which will enable USB1.1 compatibility.

DietPi-Config | WiFi: Now supports connecting to hidden WiFi networks, thanks @shahwahed :

DietPi-LetsEncrypt | On Jessie, changed certificate auto renewal to native certbot renew command, to prevent certificate duplication:

DietPi-LetsEncrypt | On Stretch, added automated Minio certificate renewal. Rerun “dietpi-letsencrypt” on your Stretch system to gain this

DietPi-Process_tool | Reduction of onscreen print. Additional status print will only occur when HIERARCHY is less than 2 and/or an error occurs.

DietPi-Software | AmiBerry: Massive update to v2.14 and SDL2, new installations only. Currently for RPi’s under Stretch only, however, we have
plans to impliment for other devices: |

DietPi-Software | LMS/Squeezebox: Has undergone an install review and re-write. All archs are now supported for Stretch + Jessie:

DietPi-Software | Pydio: Add PHP module ‘intl’ on installation, as requested via web ui warning:

DietPi-Software | Nginx: To further reduce recource usage, by default ‘nginx-light’ will be installed now:

DietPi-Software | PHP: Removed some unused PHP modules from default installation:

DietPi-Software | Added information regarding DietPi controlling services (stopping them), prior to install/uninstall. Thanks @gpioneer90:

DietPi-Software | PiJuice: Available for installation: |
DietPi-Software | Grasshopper: Removed, no longer available for installation:

DietPi-Software | Raspcontrol: Removed, no longer available for installation:

DietPi-Software | NetData: Updated to latest version (v1.9.0, previously v1.6.0):

DietPi-Software | MariaDB: Installation does now automatically migrate existing databases in /mnt/dietpi_userdata/mysql or /var/lib/mysql,
which would be not easily possible afterwards:

DietPi-Software | Xserver: libgl1-mesa-dri libgles2-mesa mesa-utils, now installed by default. Required for OpenGL/GLES support across
various devices.

DietPi-Sync | Rsync: Error control now handled by G_RUN_CMD

G_AGP | Will now only remove packages which are installed. Non matching items will be ignored. Supports wildcards. Prevents APT failure if
the package is simply not installed.

G_DIETPI-NOTIFY | Added initiating program name, to start of line print.
Bug Fixes:

General | Resolved an issue where externally launched DietPi-Config with target menu, (eg: dietpi-config 8 1) had no effect. EG: fail
connection, should go straight to networking submenu.

General | Locales have been reworked and reset: To resolve broken Locales, they have been reset to en_GB.UTF-8.\n\nIf you had a different
locale configured on this system, please use dietpi-config at a later date to re-configure. Backups of previous env and locale settings, are
created in /mnt/dietpi_userdata/*.bak:

DietPi-Autostart | Custom: Resolved issue with the dietpi-autostart_custom service failing to run:

DietPi-Config | AudioPhonics I-Sabre-K2M: Resolved issue with failed installation. This is now a source build ondemand:

DietPi-LetsEncrypt | Work around a non-DietPi issue, that prevents certificate renewal via Apache and Nginx on Stretch systems:

DietPi-Services | OpenVPN and DNSMASQ (PiHole): Are no longer controlled. This is to prevent unexpected loss of connection during DietPi

DietPi-Software | Jessie: Pi-hole is now disabled, pending release of FTL 4.0, which is required to resolve incompatible logging with outdated
dnsmasq options under Jessie:

DietPi-Software | Nginx: Resolved failed installation when IPv6 is disabled, thanks @MichaIng:

DietPi-Software | OpenVPN Server: Resolved failed installation under Debian Stretch:

DietPi-Software | Resolved an issue where uninstalling multiple items, could result in endless loop:

DietPi-Software | phpMyAdmin: Its new default MariaDB user ‘phpmyadmin’ now has full admin privileges:

DietPi-Software | RPi.GPIO: Resolved failed installation.

DietPi-Software | Raspcontrol: Resolved an issue with missing webserver stack pre-req:

DietPi-Software | Resolved an issue where an existing higher GPU mem split, would be overridden with a lower value, during install of certain

DietPi-Software | qBitTorrent: Resolved issue with failed login on Debian Jessie, the default password is now ‘adminadmin’:

DietPi-Software | dietpi-software install: Command line run will now prevent disabled G_HW_ARCH G_HW_MODEL software titles,
from being installed.

DietPi-Software | MQTT Mosquito: Resolved issue with ARMv6 installation/binary:

DietPi-Software | Automation - custom script: Resolved an issue with banners, where Google AIY would be incorrectly reported as installing:

DietPi-Software | NodeRed: resolved an issue where the nodered user lacked a home dir, required for additional module installation:
Allo Web Interface v6:

Sparky SBC: Resolved an issue where USB1.1 compatibility setting would always be applied, when usb-dac selected.

Sparky SBC: Added option to select usb-dac-1.1 soundcard, which will enable USB1.1 compatibility.

View Changelog in a Chronological order_- Donations / Support DietPi:_ | DietPi is a free product and relies solely on your donations for funding.
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