Changes / Improvements / Optimizations:
DietPi-Drive_Manager | You can now specify an optional mount target directory, when mounting drives.
DietPi-Software | Gogs: Installation optimizations, no gen homefolder as not required. For new installations only. Many thanks to @userdeveloper98 for this contribution.: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/pull/1890
DietPi-Update | Added reboot whiptail prompt after update is completed.
Bug Fixes:
General | Resolved black text in SSH sessions with some clients: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1891
DietPi-Config | Sparky SBC: Resolved Allo Piano DAC not being installed correctly: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1894#issuecomment-402541469
DietPi-Drive_Manager | NFS: Now uses the nfs mounting protocol (previously nfs4): https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1898#issuecomment-402781531
AlloGUI v10:
- Updates: To ensure stability and control of updates, they must now be completed outside the web interface, using either local or remote (SSH) terminal: https://dietpi.com/forum/t/dietpi-allo-com-web-gui-image/1523/3