Dietpi-Services [Failed] Samba

Hi all.

I’m setting a DietPi on a RPi2
I installed NoIP, transmission,netdata, LEAP, ProFTPD, OpenVPN, but now i’m trying to install Samba server near FTP server, but when RPi reboots, i get :

[Failed] Samba

I connect by ssh, and i get this
root@DietPi:~# service samba status
● samba.service
Loaded: masked (/dev/null)
Active: inactive (dead)
root@DietPi:~# service samba start
Failed to start samba.service: Unit samba.service is masked.

I’m searching for this issue and i couldn’t find anything.

Is there a problem to install Samba and FTP at the same time?

i wish to use FTP to access at RPi from outdoor, and samba only in local (with complete access to " / " )


Thanks for letting us know.

We have a known issue where, if the user has smbclient package installed, DietPi-Services will attempt to start the samba server:

i wish to use FTP to access at RPi from outdoor, and samba only in local (with complete access to " / " )

If your running DietPi v128 or higher, you can run the following command to install both Samba server and Proftpd through DietPi-Software:

dietpi-software install 96 94

You can check to see what software is currently installed with:

dietpi-software list | grep =2

Thanks, but i haven’t installed smbclient, i only install samba server and ftp server.


Fourdee is trying to tell you that there is a bug with his software installer;
Maybe in your case smbclient being picked up as samba server!


dpkg -l |grep samba

you can verify that all samba server packages are installed. (one is needed for client and server)

root@DietPi:~# service samba status
● samba.service
Loaded: masked (/dev/null)
Active: inactive (dead)

/etc/init.d/samba wrapper script doesn’t work well with systemd
check the service with

/etc/init.d/samba status

and if needed

/etc/init.d/samba start

That should do :wink:
