DietPi - PiHole Webinterface doesn't work correctly

Hello dear community members,

I turn to you with a problem that I unfortunately cannot solve on my own. I freshly installed DietPi and installed it via the DietPi software installer, PiHole, unbound and manual dnscrypt. Actually everything worked until the phile dashboard was called up.

Even after flashing the image several times. When the dashboard is called up, the lighttp test page always appears. I searched the internet and found that this has apparently changed because you can run multiple programs on the server. Right? It’s not that bad, but that I can’t generate my API key is a problem. (Screenshots in Attachments)

Maybe you can help me? That would be great!

Greetings J.

System information
aarch DietPi v7.9.3 Device model : RPi 4 Model B (aarch64)/Linux system


using http://<IP_ADDPRESS_OF_YOUR_PI_HOLE>/admin/ is the correct way to access the web interface. It’s even documented on PiHole docs.

The issue with the API is more a challenge on web server configuration files, that we already aware of. A fix will be released on next DietPi version 8, that is currently in BETA and will be released this weekend.

But this would require a reinstall of PiHole to download the new web server config. Or you manually download/ copy the respective file yourself.